I haven't blogged in a long time. :(
The past couple of weeks have been dry for me. Not every single moment, but I got so caught up with the wrongs of life that I lost sight of what the rights of life were for me.
Until... I finally took advantage of what really was in front of my eyes. And now I'm feeling a lot better and I'm seeing things a lot more clearly...a lot more healthily... a lot more lively... and a lot more happily.
Although all the bad stuff hasn't really gone totally away, I'm able to take it all in stride because now I'm not entirely focused on all the bad stuff that's happening. There's a lot of good going on right now, and, more importantly, there's hope for a better right now and, subsequently, a better tomorrow.
I can't really explain how thankful I am. But I have to acknowledge that it was someone that helped me see things better. All this person did was be herself. All this person did was be a good person. This person didn't let the bad things influence her. There are still good people out there today. If you find one, don't let he or she go. Good people have a glow about that's so special, a warmth that's consoling, and a radiance that's so attractive. They have an outlook that's worth the emulation. Keep them as reminders to you that it's good to be a good person. There's so many bad people out there that it seems like the only way to be in this world is bad. But good people are those exceptions, and just thinking about them gives life!
April 28, 2011
April 5, 2011
I know I just blogged a couple of hours ago, but I just had to say this.
I love going to coffeehouses to study! You never know who you're going to meet. After I last blogged, I went to Starbucks to read my book for class. I've been getting more apt to study at coffeehouses rather than libraries because, despite it not being as quiet as libraries, the experience is as enriching, I think. I get to see people talk amongst themselves, I get to be motivated by others who are also studying, and I get to enjoy my drink and at the same time study. But most of all, in very special times, I get to meet new people and have some of the most heartfelt and interesting conversations, all with strangers. I've met some great people through just studying at coffeehouses, for the most part I never do meet them again, but regardless they've contributed to my life in small but powerful ways. I especially thank God for allowing me to have a moment with a stranger, all over coffee. How awesome is that!
I should be doing homework right now, but... I'll savor the act for a little bit later. I guess I'm trying to induce an adrenaline rush. lol.
There's a quote I got from someone's Tumblr account that I can't remember (if this is you, please tell me as I'll give you proper recognition), but this person reblogged this quote:
"One of the hardest decisions of life is whether to walk away or try even harder" - Unknown (if you know who said this please tell me so I can give proper recognition).
I really like how the quote put the statement; I think it's true. In that sense, I then believe we've all made hard decisions (duh). But, for me, I think I did my best to answer my decisions. I tried in everything I decided to walk away from, and that keeps me confident, or at least content, with what I've done.
I don't think I've ever just walked away from a challenge at first confrontation (or at least I can't remember any significant experience of that outcome right now). But I'll be honest to admit that I've tried harder and harder at things, people, stuff,... that just wasn't for me to pursue. And I've been hurt by them too, because I did try harder at them. However, I won't place the blame on them.... it was my choice to do so, then, in this context.
It's a lesson that I've been confronted with time and time again. Every circumstance may be different, but by now I think I've developed a knack for doing what I need to do contently.
There's a quote I got from someone's Tumblr account that I can't remember (if this is you, please tell me as I'll give you proper recognition), but this person reblogged this quote:
"One of the hardest decisions of life is whether to walk away or try even harder" - Unknown (if you know who said this please tell me so I can give proper recognition).
I really like how the quote put the statement; I think it's true. In that sense, I then believe we've all made hard decisions (duh). But, for me, I think I did my best to answer my decisions. I tried in everything I decided to walk away from, and that keeps me confident, or at least content, with what I've done.
I don't think I've ever just walked away from a challenge at first confrontation (or at least I can't remember any significant experience of that outcome right now). But I'll be honest to admit that I've tried harder and harder at things, people, stuff,... that just wasn't for me to pursue. And I've been hurt by them too, because I did try harder at them. However, I won't place the blame on them.... it was my choice to do so, then, in this context.
It's a lesson that I've been confronted with time and time again. Every circumstance may be different, but by now I think I've developed a knack for doing what I need to do contently.
April 2, 2011
A Week Recapped
I have been strangely, and relatively, not been blogging in a while. So hi. :)
A lot happened the past week or so. Some highlights of it:
A lot happened the past week or so. Some highlights of it:
Tuesday: Since the weather was awesome, I thought it was fitting to celebrate so instead of usually studying at school, I drove to the closest Starbucks to my house and studied there instead. Luckily, I also ran into Alaia and Jazzy, and we sat down with our drinks and enjoyed them and our conversation with each other. Here's a glimpse: "Sunshine, Studying, Conversation, and Coffee...and Tea" :)
My drink is the one without the cup-sleeve; I never really realized the dual use of the cup-sleeves. I was always under the impression that they're only used for hot drinks, but I learned that that's not always the case, as shown here. Needless to say, after I learned of this, I got my own cup-sleeve for my drink: stylish and comfortable to the touch. :)
I definitely love those kinds of meet-ups, especially at coffeehouses. I was able to catch up with them because it's been a long time since I actually got to sit down and talk with them. In fact, today is Alaia's birthday, so happy birthday Alaia! :) And to top off the meeting, Kaila also came to Starbucks, and joined in on the conversation with her own drink. :) I've especially missed hanging out with her; it's always time spent well when I'm with Kaila.

Starting to the right of the phone and moving counterclockwise: Kaila, Alaia, Anjanette, Alaia, Jazzy, and Me.
My drink is the one without the cup-sleeve; I never really realized the dual use of the cup-sleeves. I was always under the impression that they're only used for hot drinks, but I learned that that's not always the case, as shown here. Needless to say, after I learned of this, I got my own cup-sleeve for my drink: stylish and comfortable to the touch. :)
I definitely love those kinds of meet-ups, especially at coffeehouses. I was able to catch up with them because it's been a long time since I actually got to sit down and talk with them. In fact, today is Alaia's birthday, so happy birthday Alaia! :) And to top off the meeting, Kaila also came to Starbucks, and joined in on the conversation with her own drink. :) I've especially missed hanging out with her; it's always time spent well when I'm with Kaila.

Starting to the right of the phone and moving counterclockwise: Kaila, Alaia, Anjanette, Alaia, Jazzy, and Me.
Monday-Friday: I blogged, about a week ago, about how I took a dance class at Sheldon High School, and that it reminded me of how out-of-shape I am. Well, over the past weekend I really took it to heart and realized I needed to change, so I've made some changes. And I've attacked the issue on two starting grounds: one, I started eating oatmeal for breakfast (hey! it's healthy, right? lol), and two, I started running outdoors (thankfully the weather has been graciously permitting!). It doesn't seem like much really, I know, but it's my start. I ran as much as I could on Monday and Thursday, and I'm hoping to continue a sort of pattern. I don't have a gym membership, as I would rather have gone there if I did, but I'm making due just running, or I should rightfully call it jogging; I've been feeling the effects of the runs so I believe I'm doing okay for now. Oh, and lastly, I've been watching how I've been eating! Well, besides the oatmeal breakfast, I've been trying to just watch what I choose to eat. I only ate fast-food once this week ("Yay me!").
But yeah, hopefully I can really just get back into the shape I used to be, and even better. I'll just try my best and not stress too much about it.
Friday: Today I watched the movie Tangled after reading about it on Cindy's blog. It was awesome, I loved it! Regardless of my age, I really appreciate what the movie offered. It was cute with its comedic flair, definitely, and it effectively played the love aspect of it perfectly. Oh, how I loved the love in it. The climatic ending was so, sooooooooo good; in fact, I didn't see it coming at all, and it was just so perfect. I would LOVE to talk to anyone else who also loved Tangled. I really don't want to tell any of its story here, I don't want to spoil it for you, but I definitely recommend everyone to watch it. I can honestly say it's a loss to you if you don't watch it, I think it's enriching because it reminded me today what mature love should be about, or, moreover, how it should be viewed and respected, sought and coveted. Mandy Moore does a fantastic part playing Rapunzel; her voice alone oozed of cuteness and mastery of the portrayal of the character's feelings. For an animated Disney movie, I really loved this movie! :)
And now.. it's the weekend. :)
But yeah, hopefully I can really just get back into the shape I used to be, and even better. I'll just try my best and not stress too much about it.
Friday: Today I watched the movie Tangled after reading about it on Cindy's blog. It was awesome, I loved it! Regardless of my age, I really appreciate what the movie offered. It was cute with its comedic flair, definitely, and it effectively played the love aspect of it perfectly. Oh, how I loved the love in it. The climatic ending was so, sooooooooo good; in fact, I didn't see it coming at all, and it was just so perfect. I would LOVE to talk to anyone else who also loved Tangled. I really don't want to tell any of its story here, I don't want to spoil it for you, but I definitely recommend everyone to watch it. I can honestly say it's a loss to you if you don't watch it, I think it's enriching because it reminded me today what mature love should be about, or, moreover, how it should be viewed and respected, sought and coveted. Mandy Moore does a fantastic part playing Rapunzel; her voice alone oozed of cuteness and mastery of the portrayal of the character's feelings. For an animated Disney movie, I really loved this movie! :)
And now.. it's the weekend. :)
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