
July 27, 2013

This or that...

Cognitive dissonance is an interesting experience... to say the least. You hear a new theory, your old theories are confronted and inconsistent with the new theory, you think (hopefully), and then make a decision.  And sometimes... these decisions are big... lifestyle changing... world-view altering.

I needed a way to soundly deliberate conflicting theories; the evaluation comprises of, but are not limited to, these three modes of thinking:

  • Critical thinking (logical reasoning, mutli-dimensional analysis, world literature, etc.)
  • Scientific Research and Methods (scientific methods, literature and contemporary evaluations, new research, etc.)
  • Faith and Ethics (Catholic & religious thought/insight, ethical implications, moral dilemmas, etc.)

Sure, it may sound exhaustive... but should there be any less of a standard?

July 23, 2013

In all struggles...

Just got to lift them up to the Lord and do your best. 

Totally having a difficult time prioritizing right now, but I have to make decisions and decisions... have to break bad habits... and have to continue to learn from mistakes. 

Prayers very much appreciated right now. Thanks 

July 20, 2013

July 16, 2013


Can't believe half my vacation is already over... it went by pretty fast lol.

But still, two months left 'till uni. Yahooooooooooooo

July 2, 2013

The extent of my introvert-ness

If I spend more than one day stuck in my house, I get antsy. One day at home, yes, absolutely great and definitely needed. But consecutive days, not as nice.

I guess I'll never be like Thoreau and live my life secluded in the forest next to a lake months at a time. Or, a monk, for that matter.