Here's a wonderful quick read I definitely recommend, especially coming from a Psych background, kind of an aside to the actual blog I'm going to write ;)
So this past weekend was special in a lot of ways. Me and my family went to LA to pick up my brother who's currently studying at UCLA, he just ended his spring quarter, and just for references sake, I ended my spring semester almost a month ago -- on a different note, I'm honestly bracing myself for my transition to the quarter system because I heard it's not for the faint of heart lol.
I honestly think the UCLA campus is charmingly beautiful because of the architectural design of Powell Library and Royce Hall. There's something about old style Renaissance-Gothic-type-ish architecture that really just puts me in awe, that kind of tugs at my heart strings and resonates in my soul, sort of like looking at the stars on a dark night or being inside a cathedral.
I also got to attend the commencement ceremony of a great friend of mine who graduated from UCLA this year. Very happy for him and his achievements. He's a very hard working guy, studies hard, and is able to sacrifice sleep at a caliber I'd never want to lol. Congrats Matt!
Having spent four years at community college, not exactly the plan from the start lol, I'll have to take two more years to finally graduate, and I look forward to that day so, so much.
While in LA, I also got to hang out with my uncle and his family in Santa Clarita. Having just turned 22 this year, it's even more amazing to see how my little cousins have grown up since I've last saw them, they're getting older and older... and the little kids I once knew are thriving teens and I'm ... old-er. Lol.
Back home in Sac now, living an amazing summer. Plenty of time to relax and rest. Also been daydreaming about the future... really spent some time today reflecting about my past too, and while reminiscing, I realized that for most of my post-18 year old life I've mostly been just barely (but thankfully) getting by, whether that'd be in school, or relationships, or in life in general.
I really want to "Grab life by the horns" more. I really, really want to. I want to grab hold of all the opportunities I have because so many are open to me right now, in this moment. One thing I always have noticed is how fast time flies by, e.g. one day it's the beginning of the semester, and then 16 weeks pass, I'm studying for finals, and I look back and go, "man, I remember the first day of sem like it was yesterday and I wish I could have done blah, blah, blah, more ...". While I'm sure that experience probably will always happen, that I say I wish I could have done things a little different, I've learned and experienced it's totally possible to not feel any regret despite wishing I could have done a few things differently. I have plenty of learned lessons, and I want to maximize them, and I'd hate to regret something I know I was totally capable of trying "back then".
So here's to being "in this moment", having hopes and dreams and ambitions, great potential, in the most capable state.