
July 19, 2009

I'm back.

I haven't really been blogging lately, so much has been happening and at times I want to blog I feel too exhausted to even start and end up going to sleep. x_x

I have just decided to stay awake until church starts at 10am. I didn't want to have to wake up late or something and miss mass. I'm in charge of the audio/visual projection that lights up lyrics onto a screen so the congregation doesn't need to open their books to look for song lyrics. The good thing about having the responsibility is that I make sure I head to church early in the Sunday mornings so I don't have to go to church later in the nighttime, but the flip-side to that is at times I might have something happening Saturday nights I'd like to sleep in but I can't forget my responsibilities. So here I am blogging my time away :)

I recently went to a nightclub! My first nightclub experience happened last Thursday, I went to Zokku Nightclub with a couple of friends, it was pretty sweet. It turned to be not so much a high-scale club, but the music was dope and the vibe was welcoming, and I was happily dancing. I may want to try another club in the future, but it just feels good to get the "clubbin" desire out of my system. It was a good night :)

Looking forward into the future a bit, I may next week hit the road somewhere, and the options are looking preeeeety great if you ask me: Las Vegas or Los Angeles. I'd like to go to either! I wish LV had gambling at 18+ instead of 21+, that would be an interesting event changer for me, but I guess I'm just saying I'd like to go to Vegas to gamble because of watching "The Hangover" (which btw is freggin hilarious!). LA would be pretty cool too, the highlight of that would be going to Six Flags Magic Mountain. I haven't been there since I was really small, and I remember Disney Land to vividly to want to go there instead.

Whereever I go I hope to take pictures. So-Long-Sac!

Shifting more to the present, I had a good day today. I had my hair cut! I like it, you know how when you get a hair-cut it always happens to look good for about the first few days/week, but then it gets all messed up after that so you're there wanting another haircut but having to wait until it's substantially long enough to be considered for another one? Yeah, that's my haircut cycle for ya.

After that I attended a new friend of mine's Seb's 18th Grad/Bday party, I ended up coming late so I pretty much swam the entire pool solo because everyone already had gotten out. The food was *awesome* and I think probably one of the coolest things happened today at the party too. I ended-up meeting two foreign exchange students that had came to the party with their host-parents who knew Seb. They were really pretty :). But...moving on to the point.

Their names were Laura, from Belgium, and Anna, from Finland. That's so cool! I'd really really want to go to Europe one day...They were nice enough to give me their address when I asked so that I could write to them via snail-mail. I've always wanted a pen-pal in another country. It's so cool to have mail come to you and then it's post-marked with some strange stamp from a different country! Btw, Laura took pride in her Belgium heritage of Belgium chocolates :) So Sweet!).

A lot of people are starting to leave Sacramento now to go to their college, lucky me I get to stay here in Sac! Yeah, that's not sarcastic at all. I'm really look forward to the first day of official college and I plan to make the most of the experience. I can't lie though, I'm kinda irked about having my first college mascot to be Beaver. Really now? Yeah it's true, I represent the American River College Beavers. *Shudders. Atleast they have like pancake tails. That's cool, how many animals have tails that resemble breakfast entrees? Yeah, In Your Face!

I wonder if there is any university, or high school, or any school for that matter that has the Panda as their mascot. SO MY SCHOOL. I'd be the Proudest Panda ever!

Hmm..The sun is almost out. I could watch the sunrise, but I think I'll just lay down on my bed and tease myself about falling asleep but not really going to sleep.

I'll be blogging much, much more - I think.

Later Guys!
Aaron S.

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