I'll get a lil' intra-perspective for this blog.
Everyday I seem to surprise myself. Each day I live, only if I live it, adds on to the meaning that I've accumulated over the rest of the days in my life. This goes without saying, but I'm really figuring out a lot more about me.
What I like and what I don't like.
What pisses me off and what gets me thankful.
What I can stand and what I can't.
What I can do in moderation and can't.
How hard I work, How hard I can work, and How hard I can't.
What I want and what I don't want.
It's weird kinda, because at 18 y/o you think you'd already figured you out, know what you like, yada-yada. But I guess not...completely yet.
Call it a self-reflection, but a lot of that really gets me. Sometimes, I just like to sit down and go, "Okay, so where exactly am I at?".
"How am I doing, Am I still okay? Is my plan alright? "
Just to make sure I'm still on track with all I hope for. It's so easy to get side-tracked - that's for-damn-sure.
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