
May 26, 2010


So it's about Midnight and the beginning of a new day; yesterday ended with me being at work.

I work part time at McDonald's and I've been there for about almost two years... With saying that two things come to mind: 1) Whoa two years fly by fast and 2) Wow, am I really still here?

lol. Don't get me wrong. I love that I even have a job - it's hard times these days and any money is better than no money, especially when you need the money. (Biggest cash consumer? Gas, then food). So before I rant, because I feel like it, keep in mind that in the end I am thankful that I'm employed...

Now, moving on ...... uggggh!! *sigh*
I think there comes a point when you've been working at an establishment so long (with one exception...I'll talk about this later) that you realize how much you want to change it up and move on to another (hopefully better) job. And I can't lie, I'm getting to the point where I'm tired of working at McD's doing the same thing over and over - it's the kind of repetitiveness that I don't enjoy.

But, with respect, I have learned a lot of things working at this job of mine that will definitely help me in my job search for the future; for the sake keeping this blog short (relatively to my usual I'll only share two things I learned the hard way - and I hope you can take them into consideration as well:

1.) Meet your boss/store manager before you apply - see if he or she is or isn't someone you can enjoy working with.

2.) Don't settle for anything less / Don't settle for pay that doesn't match the load of work. I can honestly say that there are more than a handful of other jobs which pay minimum wage that I would rather work at knowing how hard I work at my job (for the record - fast food isn't as easy as you think it is...and if you think it's easy than you're, in my opinion, dope).

Of course...there are more things I can try to convey, but I think these two criteria are overlooked by young job-seekers today... but really when it comes down to it - it's your choice and, given your own circumstance, you make the decision for yourself and if you don't think my two suggestions are worth taking into consideration, or if you think you don't need to consider them.... if when your working you realize how I tried to help, then all I can say is I tried to warn you. ;)

But definitely, I love my coworkers. They are all about my age group and older, and they really make the job a good time for me. ANY JOB is a PLUS when your coworkers are DOPE and there's no work drama (yeah, work drama actually exists. -___- . I know, right!)

I eluded to this earlier in the blog, but I mentioned there is one exception to working at your job for a really long time. Call me naive, but I firmly believe that I would never rant about a job if it's my DREAM JOB. :)

It's still in the works for me right now, and I'm still thinking about what I really want to be for sure, but if I had to share what I believe my dream job is.... I believe it is as a Lead Biochemical Researcher of my own Laboratory. (That means my own lab coat with my name one it... Love it!).

I don't think I can ever be tired of working in the lab. Even in school when the class has a lab component - time flies for me when I'm just doing Lab. I can be in the lab for hours and enjoy! Yup!...

In retrospect, I realize that my dream job is one where I would like to use my brain, and not my hands to make a living. At McDonald's I'm working with my hands and not so much my brain... But as a researcher I'm working more with my brains and my hands not so much. One day, one day...

Oh yeah, and to set the record straight - Money isn't my calling in life. I have come to understand that for me, yes I would like to live having a little extra from my career and especially more than enough for raising a family, but I don't need to be a multi-millionaire to be happy. I really don't think money will satisfy me. I only hope that from my career as a researcher I can make a difference in this world - cliche as that sounds - I sincerely really hope that one day I can make a positive difference.


But until then, I guess I'm stuck flipping burgers for now... Uggggh. lol Maybe I'll find a new job..Hmm ;)

Goodnight and God Bless.

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