I'll take a picture. Just a reminder. Postmark this.
Hi. I'm young, clever, slick, intelligent. More than what meets your pupils, son. Hahaha.
No artificial in me. Pure organic. Sincerely yours.
I'm not what I'm not. I am who I am.
Currently 17 years old. I have my driver's license and a part time job. I'm the leader of my youth group, in two dance company's, and my school's academy. A faithful son, dedicated student, carefree dancer, hardworking worker, loving brother, trustworthy friend, and a child of God.
I keep a schedule right now. I can't remember everything. I'm a nice guy.
I like to treat others the way I want to be treated. I'm not afraid to fall. I challenge myself constantly, and I encourage myself.
Cassie, if your reading, I'm all yours still < 3
And to everyone else, just think of this blog this way. As far as I'm concerned, I'll never get this moment back. So I'm taking it, and owning it. I have my name written all over it, and I wont' forget it either. I suggest all you all do the same.
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