
January 29, 2009

I can

I love this poem:

Pessimist, Optimist, Realist

A pessimist is he
Who shuts his eyes
To the rising sun.

An optimist is he
Who looks up and sees
Through the teeming clouds.

A realist is he
Who faces the clouds
And adores the sun.

Sri Chinmoy


I have so much to do. I really do, and it's getting to feel very burdensome. Sometimes I feel like it's all too much to handle, and to be honest, honestly I've felt like giving up plenty of times, but then during Holy Adoration Hour at the Blessed Sacrament, I've become renewed. Thanks God.

God never gives you too much that you cannot handle. He only blesses you with what you can handle. And although I've been blessed with a lot to do, and it feels different to me, this is all just an encouragement to continue to do my best, because He believes in me that I can accomplish. He wouldn't bless me with so much to do if I couldn't.

I'm on my hustle.

Really, I'm on it.

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