Today, I had a blessed experience which reminded me of an email I recieved long ago...
++++++++++++++++ ARE YOU JESUS+++++++++++++++++++++++
A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago. They had assured their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner.
In their rush, with tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in time for their nearly missed boarding. All but one.
He paused, took a deep breath, got in touch with his feelings, and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned. He told his buddies to go on without him, waved goodbye, told one of them to call his wife when they arrived at their home destination and explain his taking a later
flight. Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over the terminal floor. He was glad he did.
The 16 year old girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks in frustration, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd swirled about her, no one Stopping and no one to care for her plight.
The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put them back on the table and helped organize her display.
As he did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and bruised; these he set aside in another basket.
When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl, "Here, please take this $40 for the damage we did. Are you okay?" She nodded through her tears. He continued on with, "I hope we didn't spoil your day too badly." As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl called out to
him, "Mister". He paused and turned to look back into those blind eyes. She continued, "Are you Jesus?"
He stopped in mid-stride, and he wondered. Then slowly he made his way to catch the later flight with that question burning and bouncing about in his soul: "Are you Jesus?"
Do people mistake you for Jesus? That's our destiny, is it not? To be so much like Jesus that people cannot tell the difference as we live and interact with a world (shopping, working, reacting to others that are serving us) that is blind to His love, life and grace.
If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as He would. Knowing Him is more than simply quoting Scripture and going to church. It's actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day.
You are the apple of His eye even though we, too, have been bruised by a fall. He stopped what He was doing and picked you and me up on a hill called Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit.
Let us live like we are worth the price He paid, then we are truly special.
Today, while on my lunch break there was a blind man that was walking next to me while I was sitting down at a table in the cafeteria eating my lunch. With his walking stick as an aide, I noticed he was navigating his way through the cafeteria, but I didn't really know why it took him so long to leave the table area I was at. He was using his stick to make sure he didn't walk into something or someone, but more strangely he was bending down feeling the ground with his hands - I assumed he just wanted to make sure he wouldn't trip on any backpacks. The cafeteria was full, and I can sense a lot of the other students were looking at him too because he was acting very...not as normal. I've seen this same blind man once before walking the halls with his stick-aide so it was strange seeing him actually feel the ground for something.
Then all of a sudden another girl student came up to the blind man and said to him, "Sir, are you missing something?"
He responded, "Yes, I seem to have misplaced my backpack and I'm trying to find it".
She said, "Sir, I can help you, let me find it for you".
So she went to a table far away, grabbed a roller backpack that was laying on the ground, and brought it to the blind man. I guess she had known that was his backpack - I didn't know how.
She said, "Here you go Sir, I believe this is yours".
I saw him smile and say, "Thank you so much. I've been looking for this".
She smiled back and said, "Your welcome, Sir. No problem at all".
With his roller backpack at his hands and his walking stick-aide in the other, he then tried to navigate his way out of the cafeteria, through the maze of tables.
Again the same girl came up to the blind man and said, "Sir, if you would like, I'd be happy to help you find your way out"...
Then again, the blind man smiled and said, "I'd love that. Thank you so much".
....Wow, I thought. She is such a nice person.
Then I realized, at that moment, I saw Jesus. That's Jesus, and how lucky was I to have witness sush a beautiful act of His love, right before my very eyes.
Thank you, God - for reveiling yourself to me. It may have been a very subtle way, but I saw You. Help me to never forget that You are always there for me. Thank you so much.
.....I am left speechless, and I am left inspired.
October 28, 2009
September 20, 2009
Figuring Me Out
I'll get a lil' intra-perspective for this blog.
Everyday I seem to surprise myself. Each day I live, only if I live it, adds on to the meaning that I've accumulated over the rest of the days in my life. This goes without saying, but I'm really figuring out a lot more about me.
What I like and what I don't like.
What pisses me off and what gets me thankful.
What I can stand and what I can't.
What I can do in moderation and can't.
How hard I work, How hard I can work, and How hard I can't.
What I want and what I don't want.
It's weird kinda, because at 18 y/o you think you'd already figured you out, know what you like, yada-yada. But I guess not...completely yet.
Call it a self-reflection, but a lot of that really gets me. Sometimes, I just like to sit down and go, "Okay, so where exactly am I at?".
"How am I doing, Am I still okay? Is my plan alright? "
Just to make sure I'm still on track with all I hope for. It's so easy to get side-tracked - that's for-damn-sure.
Everyday I seem to surprise myself. Each day I live, only if I live it, adds on to the meaning that I've accumulated over the rest of the days in my life. This goes without saying, but I'm really figuring out a lot more about me.
What I like and what I don't like.
What pisses me off and what gets me thankful.
What I can stand and what I can't.
What I can do in moderation and can't.
How hard I work, How hard I can work, and How hard I can't.
What I want and what I don't want.
It's weird kinda, because at 18 y/o you think you'd already figured you out, know what you like, yada-yada. But I guess not...completely yet.
Call it a self-reflection, but a lot of that really gets me. Sometimes, I just like to sit down and go, "Okay, so where exactly am I at?".
"How am I doing, Am I still okay? Is my plan alright? "
Just to make sure I'm still on track with all I hope for. It's so easy to get side-tracked - that's for-damn-sure.
September 15, 2009
Sometimes, I think I'm really lucky to have people to look up to.
There are a lot of people in my life that I give a lot of credit for, for all of my outlook and perspectives. It could be that of a celebrity making decisions, or someone as subtle as a guy letting me cut in line at the grocery stores.
Kanye West was out of line, Taylor didn't deserve his rudeness. Beyonce was as much of a class act as Taylor, also. Taylor took the comment, she didn't let it affect her and she still performed 5 minutes after the incident (phenomonally I may add). Do you know how hard that could be? I've performed plenty of times, and there were times when my performances were rattled because I let other people get to me just moments before. That's tough, and Taylor also didn't lash out. She gracefully let it die down, I don't think she has even Tweeted since after the VMAs. Her determination to her performance, strength of self-preservation, and grace in the face of struggle just speaks volumes to the age of this 19 year old country singer who was once living the lives we all live attending high school and such. And I love her for that.
Beyonce also paid the price. I loved her performance by the way, girrrl got it locked. Kanye should be ashamed even more because frankly, Beyonce didn't even get to say a Thank You for her award, he should also apologize to her IMHO. Goes to show, actions always affect people...
I made a mistake at work today, which I quickly got corrected for. I guess it just wasn't my day (NO FOOD MISTAKES, EVERYTHING SERVED IS CLEAN & TASTY). I chose to talk with my boss manager, and he gave me a meaningful critique. I got to say, much respect to the man:
"Everyone makes mistakes".
It's not like I didn't know that, I guess it's just nice having a reminder about it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm feeling a little mixed right now. It's always easier giving in to things, doing the wrong thing, and all - but it's that strive to just keep straight that is as beautiful and painful as a rose with thorns, - or the Kingdom of Heaven in that respect ;)
But when I see people who are living lives that are even more cross-laden than mines, who are living it through with a positive attitude, and doing their best to keep there head up and not moping around just...amazes me.
It gives me hope.
There are a lot of people in my life that I give a lot of credit for, for all of my outlook and perspectives. It could be that of a celebrity making decisions, or someone as subtle as a guy letting me cut in line at the grocery stores.
Kanye West was out of line, Taylor didn't deserve his rudeness. Beyonce was as much of a class act as Taylor, also. Taylor took the comment, she didn't let it affect her and she still performed 5 minutes after the incident (phenomonally I may add). Do you know how hard that could be? I've performed plenty of times, and there were times when my performances were rattled because I let other people get to me just moments before. That's tough, and Taylor also didn't lash out. She gracefully let it die down, I don't think she has even Tweeted since after the VMAs. Her determination to her performance, strength of self-preservation, and grace in the face of struggle just speaks volumes to the age of this 19 year old country singer who was once living the lives we all live attending high school and such. And I love her for that.
Beyonce also paid the price. I loved her performance by the way, girrrl got it locked. Kanye should be ashamed even more because frankly, Beyonce didn't even get to say a Thank You for her award, he should also apologize to her IMHO. Goes to show, actions always affect people...
I made a mistake at work today, which I quickly got corrected for. I guess it just wasn't my day (NO FOOD MISTAKES, EVERYTHING SERVED IS CLEAN & TASTY). I chose to talk with my boss manager, and he gave me a meaningful critique. I got to say, much respect to the man:
"Everyone makes mistakes".
It's not like I didn't know that, I guess it's just nice having a reminder about it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm feeling a little mixed right now. It's always easier giving in to things, doing the wrong thing, and all - but it's that strive to just keep straight that is as beautiful and painful as a rose with thorns, - or the Kingdom of Heaven in that respect ;)
But when I see people who are living lives that are even more cross-laden than mines, who are living it through with a positive attitude, and doing their best to keep there head up and not moping around just...amazes me.
It gives me hope.
August 11, 2009
Mini-Golf + Sonics combo
Hola Muchachas and Dudes.
So...that was a good attempt at my Spanglish. I had to start somewhere.
I had a pretty sweet day today. R&R the first half, it worked miracles for my health, then went to Roseville with my dad, Meg, and Patrick. My mom stayed at home because she was a party-pooper...yeah I think that's the right word.
Roseville has two things...well three things, that make it cool IMHO.
1 - Sonics
2- Scandia Golf + Baseball + Mini-Carts
3 - Thunder Valley Casino
I can't say I've done the most at Thunder Valley yet, you gotta be 21 to waste/win your money there, BUT I have eaten at the eateries there in the past before and Coy Palace owns.
We went to Scandia and I have to say, $20 Unlimited Park Use is worth the money. Went mini-golfing on both 18-hole courses twice, tried my batting abilities at the batting cage, went on their only roller-coater/attraction called the Screamer (but ironically you're not allowed to scream while on it) which was really cool, being about a story high was a nice way to see the night, and finally spent like an hour riding mini-carts.
I thought mini-carts would be pretty dull and bland, because I already know how it feels to drive a car, but it was cool racinig @ 20mph. I'll blast anyone who goes against me though, so...let's set that up if you're down. ;)
Afterward we went to Sonics to order shakes, they're shakes are GOOD and worth the price! MY FAVORITE SHAKE FLAVOR IS: BANANA/ORANGE MIX. Besssst.
Just to remind myself, summer is almost done so...I should try to enjoy the rest of it to the best I can.
Upcoming things:
Tuesday: Party Tmrow.
Work 2x: Thurs & Friday/ YESS I'm tryna get as many hours as I can. Hoping to have a little cash in my college wallet.
The rest is free and all down-hill. I hope down hill, I'm not trying to have any bumps or nose-dives anytime soon.
Adios, amigos.
So...that was a good attempt at my Spanglish. I had to start somewhere.
I had a pretty sweet day today. R&R the first half, it worked miracles for my health, then went to Roseville with my dad, Meg, and Patrick. My mom stayed at home because she was a party-pooper...yeah I think that's the right word.
Roseville has two things...well three things, that make it cool IMHO.
1 - Sonics
2- Scandia Golf + Baseball + Mini-Carts
3 - Thunder Valley Casino
I can't say I've done the most at Thunder Valley yet, you gotta be 21 to waste/win your money there, BUT I have eaten at the eateries there in the past before and Coy Palace owns.
We went to Scandia and I have to say, $20 Unlimited Park Use is worth the money. Went mini-golfing on both 18-hole courses twice, tried my batting abilities at the batting cage, went on their only roller-coater/attraction called the Screamer (but ironically you're not allowed to scream while on it) which was really cool, being about a story high was a nice way to see the night, and finally spent like an hour riding mini-carts.
I thought mini-carts would be pretty dull and bland, because I already know how it feels to drive a car, but it was cool racinig @ 20mph. I'll blast anyone who goes against me though, so...let's set that up if you're down. ;)
Afterward we went to Sonics to order shakes, they're shakes are GOOD and worth the price! MY FAVORITE SHAKE FLAVOR IS: BANANA/ORANGE MIX. Besssst.
Just to remind myself, summer is almost done so...I should try to enjoy the rest of it to the best I can.
Upcoming things:
Tuesday: Party Tmrow.
Work 2x: Thurs & Friday/ YESS I'm tryna get as many hours as I can. Hoping to have a little cash in my college wallet.
The rest is free and all down-hill. I hope down hill, I'm not trying to have any bumps or nose-dives anytime soon.
Adios, amigos.
August 8, 2009
Birthdays, Last Days, and Whateve-May-Come Days + Random
How's it cracking.
Today is my little sister Megan's 9th birthday! :) I'm really happy for her, she's so big now. Sooner or later she'll start middle school, then high school, have boyfriends who are jerks, drive...All that. Makes me kinda miss the times when she was younger and smaller. She's soundly sleeping right now, as with the rest of my family, I'm using my vampire-abilities to write this blog.
Me and Patrick got her a A-2 Razor Scooter w/ a helmet. WhassssssuhUP! I hope she takes care of herself on it and doesn't get hurt riding it, she really wanted it and when she opened it up she couldn't be more thankful.
I love her to death. I ain't even playing though.
Summer's at it's last leg, I've done everything I've wanted to do over summer - some even 2x as much bordering on TOO MUCH of doing it. But, hey - what do they call it, college is a new page in my life. Might as well seize the day, today.
I'm starting to do a lot of new things these days, ya know - things that you keep on thinking you'll do, or hope to do, but you never do because...for whatever reason you don't do it. Stuff like, exercising everyday, or reading a book (for me), or learning a new language.
Whatever-may-come days...
Como estas? Muy Bien, Y tu? Me gusta hablar Espanol.
I had to not pay attention in Spanish I wish I could speak spanish. Haha I had work tonight, and sometimes I'm left out of the loop - like tonight during my 30-min food break, everyone spoke spanish, well the ones that knew how did, and I just wished I could speak with them - I understood bits and pieces, but I felt a little closed off. It'd be sweet to pick up a language. : )
Some randoms things:
-Alexa Chung speaking Spanish with an British-English Accent. Amazing.
-This commericial is awesome: LMFAO
-I like occasional shaving. (Keep ya mind out the gutter).
-Demi Lovato's new album is okay - best songs:
"Solo"; "Catch Me"; "Everything You're Not"
*I guess her trademark style is having a slow song - it's slow for about 95% of the time, then the last few seconds of the slow song she has a killer rock outro with drums guitar and all the shebangs. It's okay I guess. She started it first.
-NSFW means : Not Safe For Work
*(Whatever happened to the simple abbreviations that were, for loss of a better word, cute? Simple ones like: "lol", or "rofl", or "lmfao"....Well that shows how much I text).
-Want to replay a sad memory? Missing somebody? Listen to "Christmases when you were mine" by Taylor Swift. I learned how to play it on guitar, just the acoutic medly gets you feeling it.
-I learned how to change my car oil. Oh yeessss.
-Paying for gas sucks. I think I might have said this in an earlier blog. Oh well, just to reitterate.
-Anytime when the sun and moon are visible at the same time is my favorite time. The sky can be either black or blue, and sometimes it's some funky color that's pretty amazing.
-Wowowee is going to be here in Sacramento for a dance thing: I THINK I MIGHT DO THIS AND AUDITION. Just for the hell of it :).
-Define dance. That's right, you can't. I love it like that, just dancing for the feeling not the fame.
-Lady Gaga has both private parts. I commend her honesty and courage. And for some reason, when I gamble I hear "Poker Face" play in my - that songs not even about gambling...I think.
-I think I like someone.
:) BYE
PS: Thanks Desiree who's still reading - haha thought it'd be cool to put you on blast I saw your last comment.
Makes me ponder further...ya know a lot of people are changing to Tumblr. But I really love blogspot.
Today is my little sister Megan's 9th birthday! :) I'm really happy for her, she's so big now. Sooner or later she'll start middle school, then high school, have boyfriends who are jerks, drive...All that. Makes me kinda miss the times when she was younger and smaller. She's soundly sleeping right now, as with the rest of my family, I'm using my vampire-abilities to write this blog.
Me and Patrick got her a A-2 Razor Scooter w/ a helmet. WhassssssuhUP! I hope she takes care of herself on it and doesn't get hurt riding it, she really wanted it and when she opened it up she couldn't be more thankful.
I love her to death. I ain't even playing though.
Summer's at it's last leg, I've done everything I've wanted to do over summer - some even 2x as much bordering on TOO MUCH of doing it. But, hey - what do they call it, college is a new page in my life. Might as well seize the day, today.
I'm starting to do a lot of new things these days, ya know - things that you keep on thinking you'll do, or hope to do, but you never do because...for whatever reason you don't do it. Stuff like, exercising everyday, or reading a book (for me), or learning a new language.
Whatever-may-come days...
Como estas? Muy Bien, Y tu? Me gusta hablar Espanol.
I had to not pay attention in Spanish I wish I could speak spanish. Haha I had work tonight, and sometimes I'm left out of the loop - like tonight during my 30-min food break, everyone spoke spanish, well the ones that knew how did, and I just wished I could speak with them - I understood bits and pieces, but I felt a little closed off. It'd be sweet to pick up a language. : )
Some randoms things:
-Alexa Chung speaking Spanish with an British-English Accent. Amazing.
-This commericial is awesome: LMFAO
-I like occasional shaving. (Keep ya mind out the gutter).
-Demi Lovato's new album is okay - best songs:
"Solo"; "Catch Me"; "Everything You're Not"
*I guess her trademark style is having a slow song - it's slow for about 95% of the time, then the last few seconds of the slow song she has a killer rock outro with drums guitar and all the shebangs. It's okay I guess. She started it first.
-NSFW means : Not Safe For Work
*(Whatever happened to the simple abbreviations that were, for loss of a better word, cute? Simple ones like: "lol", or "rofl", or "lmfao"....Well that shows how much I text).
-Want to replay a sad memory? Missing somebody? Listen to "Christmases when you were mine" by Taylor Swift. I learned how to play it on guitar, just the acoutic medly gets you feeling it.
-I learned how to change my car oil. Oh yeessss.
-Paying for gas sucks. I think I might have said this in an earlier blog. Oh well, just to reitterate.
-Anytime when the sun and moon are visible at the same time is my favorite time. The sky can be either black or blue, and sometimes it's some funky color that's pretty amazing.
-Wowowee is going to be here in Sacramento for a dance thing: I THINK I MIGHT DO THIS AND AUDITION. Just for the hell of it :).
-Define dance. That's right, you can't. I love it like that, just dancing for the feeling not the fame.
-Lady Gaga has both private parts. I commend her honesty and courage. And for some reason, when I gamble I hear "Poker Face" play in my - that songs not even about gambling...I think.
-I think I like someone.
:) BYE
PS: Thanks Desiree who's still reading - haha thought it'd be cool to put you on blast I saw your last comment.
Makes me ponder further...ya know a lot of people are changing to Tumblr. But I really love blogspot.
July 19, 2009
I'm back.
I haven't really been blogging lately, so much has been happening and at times I want to blog I feel too exhausted to even start and end up going to sleep. x_x
I have just decided to stay awake until church starts at 10am. I didn't want to have to wake up late or something and miss mass. I'm in charge of the audio/visual projection that lights up lyrics onto a screen so the congregation doesn't need to open their books to look for song lyrics. The good thing about having the responsibility is that I make sure I head to church early in the Sunday mornings so I don't have to go to church later in the nighttime, but the flip-side to that is at times I might have something happening Saturday nights I'd like to sleep in but I can't forget my responsibilities. So here I am blogging my time away :)
I recently went to a nightclub! My first nightclub experience happened last Thursday, I went to Zokku Nightclub with a couple of friends, it was pretty sweet. It turned to be not so much a high-scale club, but the music was dope and the vibe was welcoming, and I was happily dancing. I may want to try another club in the future, but it just feels good to get the "clubbin" desire out of my system. It was a good night :)
Looking forward into the future a bit, I may next week hit the road somewhere, and the options are looking preeeeety great if you ask me: Las Vegas or Los Angeles. I'd like to go to either! I wish LV had gambling at 18+ instead of 21+, that would be an interesting event changer for me, but I guess I'm just saying I'd like to go to Vegas to gamble because of watching "The Hangover" (which btw is freggin hilarious!). LA would be pretty cool too, the highlight of that would be going to Six Flags Magic Mountain. I haven't been there since I was really small, and I remember Disney Land to vividly to want to go there instead.
Whereever I go I hope to take pictures. So-Long-Sac!
Shifting more to the present, I had a good day today. I had my hair cut! I like it, you know how when you get a hair-cut it always happens to look good for about the first few days/week, but then it gets all messed up after that so you're there wanting another haircut but having to wait until it's substantially long enough to be considered for another one? Yeah, that's my haircut cycle for ya.
After that I attended a new friend of mine's Seb's 18th Grad/Bday party, I ended up coming late so I pretty much swam the entire pool solo because everyone already had gotten out. The food was *awesome* and I think probably one of the coolest things happened today at the party too. I ended-up meeting two foreign exchange students that had came to the party with their host-parents who knew Seb. They were really pretty :). But...moving on to the point.
Their names were Laura, from Belgium, and Anna, from Finland. That's so cool! I'd really really want to go to Europe one day...They were nice enough to give me their address when I asked so that I could write to them via snail-mail. I've always wanted a pen-pal in another country. It's so cool to have mail come to you and then it's post-marked with some strange stamp from a different country! Btw, Laura took pride in her Belgium heritage of Belgium chocolates :) So Sweet!).
A lot of people are starting to leave Sacramento now to go to their college, lucky me I get to stay here in Sac! Yeah, that's not sarcastic at all. I'm really look forward to the first day of official college and I plan to make the most of the experience. I can't lie though, I'm kinda irked about having my first college mascot to be Beaver. Really now? Yeah it's true, I represent the American River College Beavers. *Shudders. Atleast they have like pancake tails. That's cool, how many animals have tails that resemble breakfast entrees? Yeah, In Your Face!
I wonder if there is any university, or high school, or any school for that matter that has the Panda as their mascot. SO MY SCHOOL. I'd be the Proudest Panda ever!
Hmm..The sun is almost out. I could watch the sunrise, but I think I'll just lay down on my bed and tease myself about falling asleep but not really going to sleep.
I'll be blogging much, much more - I think.
Later Guys!
Aaron S.
I have just decided to stay awake until church starts at 10am. I didn't want to have to wake up late or something and miss mass. I'm in charge of the audio/visual projection that lights up lyrics onto a screen so the congregation doesn't need to open their books to look for song lyrics. The good thing about having the responsibility is that I make sure I head to church early in the Sunday mornings so I don't have to go to church later in the nighttime, but the flip-side to that is at times I might have something happening Saturday nights I'd like to sleep in but I can't forget my responsibilities. So here I am blogging my time away :)
I recently went to a nightclub! My first nightclub experience happened last Thursday, I went to Zokku Nightclub with a couple of friends, it was pretty sweet. It turned to be not so much a high-scale club, but the music was dope and the vibe was welcoming, and I was happily dancing. I may want to try another club in the future, but it just feels good to get the "clubbin" desire out of my system. It was a good night :)
Looking forward into the future a bit, I may next week hit the road somewhere, and the options are looking preeeeety great if you ask me: Las Vegas or Los Angeles. I'd like to go to either! I wish LV had gambling at 18+ instead of 21+, that would be an interesting event changer for me, but I guess I'm just saying I'd like to go to Vegas to gamble because of watching "The Hangover" (which btw is freggin hilarious!). LA would be pretty cool too, the highlight of that would be going to Six Flags Magic Mountain. I haven't been there since I was really small, and I remember Disney Land to vividly to want to go there instead.
Whereever I go I hope to take pictures. So-Long-Sac!
Shifting more to the present, I had a good day today. I had my hair cut! I like it, you know how when you get a hair-cut it always happens to look good for about the first few days/week, but then it gets all messed up after that so you're there wanting another haircut but having to wait until it's substantially long enough to be considered for another one? Yeah, that's my haircut cycle for ya.
After that I attended a new friend of mine's Seb's 18th Grad/Bday party, I ended up coming late so I pretty much swam the entire pool solo because everyone already had gotten out. The food was *awesome* and I think probably one of the coolest things happened today at the party too. I ended-up meeting two foreign exchange students that had came to the party with their host-parents who knew Seb. They were really pretty :). But...moving on to the point.
Their names were Laura, from Belgium, and Anna, from Finland. That's so cool! I'd really really want to go to Europe one day...They were nice enough to give me their address when I asked so that I could write to them via snail-mail. I've always wanted a pen-pal in another country. It's so cool to have mail come to you and then it's post-marked with some strange stamp from a different country! Btw, Laura took pride in her Belgium heritage of Belgium chocolates :) So Sweet!).
A lot of people are starting to leave Sacramento now to go to their college, lucky me I get to stay here in Sac! Yeah, that's not sarcastic at all. I'm really look forward to the first day of official college and I plan to make the most of the experience. I can't lie though, I'm kinda irked about having my first college mascot to be Beaver. Really now? Yeah it's true, I represent the American River College Beavers. *Shudders. Atleast they have like pancake tails. That's cool, how many animals have tails that resemble breakfast entrees? Yeah, In Your Face!
I wonder if there is any university, or high school, or any school for that matter that has the Panda as their mascot. SO MY SCHOOL. I'd be the Proudest Panda ever!
Hmm..The sun is almost out. I could watch the sunrise, but I think I'll just lay down on my bed and tease myself about falling asleep but not really going to sleep.
I'll be blogging much, much more - I think.
Later Guys!
Aaron S.
July 6, 2009
My feet are up.
And they are enjoying the rest.
Dudee, this weekend is one busy one. Fourth of July was crowded with work, but so sick with fireworks, all I could think was "the sky lit up!". And then this Sunday, church was my mains - it was a special celebration feast for our parish patron Saint Maria Goretti, then for a final home stretch - work.
It was all fun, but you know the feeling of it being Friday and saying, "Finally, it's the weekend?". Well, for me right now I'm saying, "Finally, it's the weekday" =). And you can already can tell I'm excited for some R&R.
Tippin' on my chair right now, feel like partying, but I think I'll go to sleep. The next few days are mine!
Dudee, this weekend is one busy one. Fourth of July was crowded with work, but so sick with fireworks, all I could think was "the sky lit up!". And then this Sunday, church was my mains - it was a special celebration feast for our parish patron Saint Maria Goretti, then for a final home stretch - work.
It was all fun, but you know the feeling of it being Friday and saying, "Finally, it's the weekend?". Well, for me right now I'm saying, "Finally, it's the weekday" =). And you can already can tell I'm excited for some R&R.
Tippin' on my chair right now, feel like partying, but I think I'll go to sleep. The next few days are mine!
June 21, 2009
"Maybe some people are only meant to be in your life for only so long. Maybe they came to teach you a lesson or to broaden your state of mind, to make you smile, cry or think. Maybe some people are a part of you for a portion of time just to make you grow as a person. But if they belong in your life they will always find a way back."
May 23, 2009
Before I let myself loose too fast...
A look at the stars above remind us that we are not the center of the world, mere specks compared to the greatness of the vastness in the creations God made.
I'm not a big deal at all. I think what would make me great, is if give and share with others my all and all the talents God gave me.
In doing so, in essence I can spread to others His glory, through my actions. I can do my best at this.
Loving isn't about getting, it's about giving. Giving in your all, your happiness, your hopes, your dreams, your wants, your desires to someone so that someone can hopefully take it all and love you for who you are.
Tell me it'll be alright.
A look at the stars above remind us that we are not the center of the world, mere specks compared to the greatness of the vastness in the creations God made.
I'm not a big deal at all. I think what would make me great, is if give and share with others my all and all the talents God gave me.
In doing so, in essence I can spread to others His glory, through my actions. I can do my best at this.
Loving isn't about getting, it's about giving. Giving in your all, your happiness, your hopes, your dreams, your wants, your desires to someone so that someone can hopefully take it all and love you for who you are.
Tell me it'll be alright.
May 17, 2009
Feels right.
Ever experienced a moment with someone where the vibe/chemistry/feeling that you two shared in a certain situation felt "just right"?
Those don't come so often. I wonder if that means I should try and make sure that certain person doesn't go away.
One day. One person. Some day. Some time. Some where. Some how. Some way. Some time. Some day.
On a side note:
I can't please everybody. And I give up trying to.
Ever experienced a moment with someone where the vibe/chemistry/feeling that you two shared in a certain situation felt "just right"?
Those don't come so often. I wonder if that means I should try and make sure that certain person doesn't go away.
One day. One person. Some day. Some time. Some where. Some how. Some way. Some time. Some day.
On a side note:
I can't please everybody. And I give up trying to.
May 9, 2009
Hey, Just a quick one...
I have a lot of weight on my mind. And in my stomach. Lit-rally.
I'm so ready for Sober Grad.
I have a lot of weight on my mind. And in my stomach. Lit-rally.
I'm so ready for Sober Grad.
May 5, 2009
"I can almost see it...
..This dream I'm dreaming"
Top of the evening to you all.
A great thing happened in my life. I've always been a little hesitant about the future honestly. I've never really had a solid and firm plan - as a matter of fact I've never really even had a vague plan. Since I'm almost out of high school, it was finally time for me to try and face the future.
The future I have planned is not solid. I know that, because the future can always change. Life happens, not all things go for your way, and things come up. I understand that. Savoir-faire is necessary in those times ; ).
But let me tell you, it feels great now having atleast planned a future! To just have a sense of direction in my life is so uplifting. Just having a plan, a goal to strive for, makes me hopeful and makes everything I do so much more fun and worth it.
I've discovered a purpose.
: )
With that being said, I can update you all on what's going to be up with me because I'd like to share this.
After I graduate, I will promptly be starting college thereafter (a week after I graduate to be exact). I will be attending and am now currently enrolled at American River College (ARC)! As a junior-college attendee, I will be pursing my AS in Biotechnology, hopefully being able to finish it in 1-year and half instead of two years, to get a jump start on a transfer either to a national college here in the States, or to an International college in the Philippines for nursing.
After a hopeful BS in Nursing, I want to pursue Medical School and become a doctor.
The past few weeks have really opened my eyes to a lot of things, but the choice to become a nurse and/or a doctor w/ a background in biotechnology seems perfect for me. I want to go into research maybe, I don't know.
I want to be able to help people. I know within me it feels right. I don't want to have to look at somebody ill or in pain and not be able to do anything. I want to use my knowledge, skills, care, mind, and heart to make a difference in this world and in the world of others.
It's not going to be easy for me. I'll have to make a lot of sacrifices. I'll need to be focused. I don't want to mess this up for me any more than I already have. I'm taking a chance on a lot of things, letting a lot of other things go, and hoping for the best, and I'm praying hard.
I want to do my best, and I am willing to make it all happen, and, with all humbleness due respect, I know I can do it, I feel I can do it.
Tomorrow I have my AP Calc. test. I'm feeling okay about it so I'll just do my best.
I feel great being able to see a dream. I swear to you I can see it. And the feeling feels right. I can't explain, maybe you can understand, but I'm going to make my dream come true.
Top of the evening to you all.
A great thing happened in my life. I've always been a little hesitant about the future honestly. I've never really had a solid and firm plan - as a matter of fact I've never really even had a vague plan. Since I'm almost out of high school, it was finally time for me to try and face the future.
The future I have planned is not solid. I know that, because the future can always change. Life happens, not all things go for your way, and things come up. I understand that. Savoir-faire is necessary in those times ; ).
But let me tell you, it feels great now having atleast planned a future! To just have a sense of direction in my life is so uplifting. Just having a plan, a goal to strive for, makes me hopeful and makes everything I do so much more fun and worth it.
I've discovered a purpose.
: )
With that being said, I can update you all on what's going to be up with me because I'd like to share this.
After I graduate, I will promptly be starting college thereafter (a week after I graduate to be exact). I will be attending and am now currently enrolled at American River College (ARC)! As a junior-college attendee, I will be pursing my AS in Biotechnology, hopefully being able to finish it in 1-year and half instead of two years, to get a jump start on a transfer either to a national college here in the States, or to an International college in the Philippines for nursing.
After a hopeful BS in Nursing, I want to pursue Medical School and become a doctor.
The past few weeks have really opened my eyes to a lot of things, but the choice to become a nurse and/or a doctor w/ a background in biotechnology seems perfect for me. I want to go into research maybe, I don't know.
I want to be able to help people. I know within me it feels right. I don't want to have to look at somebody ill or in pain and not be able to do anything. I want to use my knowledge, skills, care, mind, and heart to make a difference in this world and in the world of others.
It's not going to be easy for me. I'll have to make a lot of sacrifices. I'll need to be focused. I don't want to mess this up for me any more than I already have. I'm taking a chance on a lot of things, letting a lot of other things go, and hoping for the best, and I'm praying hard.
I want to do my best, and I am willing to make it all happen, and, with all humbleness due respect, I know I can do it, I feel I can do it.
Tomorrow I have my AP Calc. test. I'm feeling okay about it so I'll just do my best.
I feel great being able to see a dream. I swear to you I can see it. And the feeling feels right. I can't explain, maybe you can understand, but I'm going to make my dream come true.
April 30, 2009
Today I had a very loud shouting argument with a TV because of the great excitement it gave me watching the Bulls Vs. Celtics basketball playoff game! The standing stood as 3-2 Celtics to Bulls, so if the Bulls had lost the game today they would have been eliminated from the playoffs, but the Bulls won! The Bulls were never considered a strong team I believe, except when MJ was on it...
I always get inspired when I watch underdogs take the win. They fight and fight to the finish for the win, for what they deserve, for what's right. They do their best and put their hearts in their actions. And you know a true underdog when all odds are against them, all labels put on an underdog make it seem like they're in it to lose, but once they break those low expectations it is the most inspiring and moving act ever.
But what's even better than seeing underdogs win, is yourself being cast as an underdog and taking the victory - in whatever action.
Achieving your dreams is something that is not supposed to be fueled, in my honest opinion, to show off to others. But showing others that they were completely wrong with their judgment and prejudice is a definite plus ; ).
As an underdog, we hold a great responsibility. We mustn't let others define us as incompetent of being able to achieve our dreams.
Today I had a very loud shouting argument with a TV because of the great excitement it gave me watching the Bulls Vs. Celtics basketball playoff game! The standing stood as 3-2 Celtics to Bulls, so if the Bulls had lost the game today they would have been eliminated from the playoffs, but the Bulls won! The Bulls were never considered a strong team I believe, except when MJ was on it...
I always get inspired when I watch underdogs take the win. They fight and fight to the finish for the win, for what they deserve, for what's right. They do their best and put their hearts in their actions. And you know a true underdog when all odds are against them, all labels put on an underdog make it seem like they're in it to lose, but once they break those low expectations it is the most inspiring and moving act ever.
But what's even better than seeing underdogs win, is yourself being cast as an underdog and taking the victory - in whatever action.
Achieving your dreams is something that is not supposed to be fueled, in my honest opinion, to show off to others. But showing others that they were completely wrong with their judgment and prejudice is a definite plus ; ).
As an underdog, we hold a great responsibility. We mustn't let others define us as incompetent of being able to achieve our dreams.
April 28, 2009
List of things I did
Hey guys,
Just a quick thing to add to the list of things I've done:
-Sang karaoke in front of the senior class.
Hahaha, that's how it feels to perform by singing! Feels great too, well for me but I'm not so sure my audience. Hope they weren't in agony. Eeek.
Tomorrow's another relaxed day, but it's not a late start Wednesday when I wish it was. Instead, there's a senior talent show and I'm a little nervous about it! Wish me luck!
Just a quick thing to add to the list of things I've done:
-Sang karaoke in front of the senior class.
Hahaha, that's how it feels to perform by singing! Feels great too, well for me but I'm not so sure my audience. Hope they weren't in agony. Eeek.
Tomorrow's another relaxed day, but it's not a late start Wednesday when I wish it was. Instead, there's a senior talent show and I'm a little nervous about it! Wish me luck!
April 26, 2009
April 25, 2009
I've done a lot of things in my life. I've done a lot of great things that I've been proud of. And contrarily I've don't a lot of stupid things. Which I may not be so proud of but I still did them.
There's one thing I still have to do before I leave high school. Intensive. Not dance intensive, not work intensive, no no no. The AP test are acomming. I have exams in AP Chem and AP Calc.
Now of course I usually wouldn't care for such examinations, I'm almost done with high school and they don't affect my grade. BUT something about these tests really riled me up.
I paid $86 - EACH.
That's more moolah than all the SATs, ACTs, and Dance Audtions/classes I've taken in my life - COMBINED.
Mister and Misses - I'm getting my credits due for those. And as far as I'm concerned - everything else is a blur...
I'm "Integral e^xy"
(Yes, I did just blog about a test.)
; )
I've done a lot of things in my life. I've done a lot of great things that I've been proud of. And contrarily I've don't a lot of stupid things. Which I may not be so proud of but I still did them.
There's one thing I still have to do before I leave high school. Intensive. Not dance intensive, not work intensive, no no no. The AP test are acomming. I have exams in AP Chem and AP Calc.
Now of course I usually wouldn't care for such examinations, I'm almost done with high school and they don't affect my grade. BUT something about these tests really riled me up.
I paid $86 - EACH.
That's more moolah than all the SATs, ACTs, and Dance Audtions/classes I've taken in my life - COMBINED.
Mister and Misses - I'm getting my credits due for those. And as far as I'm concerned - everything else is a blur...
I'm "Integral e^xy"
(Yes, I did just blog about a test.)
; )
April 19, 2009
I'm on it.
Hey everyone.
I think I can vouch for anybody when I said this: It's nice to have time. Time do whatever you want, to waste it, use it, have fun with it, cherish it. It's borrowed though because never forget, we are on all on God's time - It's never our time.
I think we can all say also that we are all blessed. Call it a blessing or a blessing in disguise, it doesn't matter - both are all one in the same. What matters is how you use your blessings, and personally I've just realized that. We gotta use'em or lose'em.
God's been answering my prayers. Sometimes the answer doesn't come in my terms, but He answers me. All I had to do was listen and follow.
Change. I've always been iffy on about the word to tell you the truth. But now I can see it's the only for sure thing. But I look at it this way, the only change I support is the change for the better. I wouldn't have change any other way. That's the type of person I am - growth for the better, for the good, and that's my stance. Can't knock me - Take it or leave.
I've been dragged down too long by trying to change things I simply cannot. I'll rid myself the baggage and pray for the better - when I've tried the best I can that's the best I can do then after.
"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know" - T. Swift
I long for the day I can say those words to that one special person. Until then, I'm dumbfounded by those who can utter those powerful words. I mean, seriously - astonished. That's all you really know? Really? Are you sure? For sure? To be in that state of being, when all you know is worthless - all your schooling, all the adages of tales you've heard over the course of your very existence on earth as a human being - that you're at that point when you only know one secure thing and that's it - when you know that you love someone and that is all you know is when you know you've found a union only made by the divine.
Stuff like that takes my pondering mind to places I cannot fathom. The innate sense and longing of being in love. Only God made that.
P.S.: Want to hear a masterpiece?
I think I can vouch for anybody when I said this: It's nice to have time. Time do whatever you want, to waste it, use it, have fun with it, cherish it. It's borrowed though because never forget, we are on all on God's time - It's never our time.
I think we can all say also that we are all blessed. Call it a blessing or a blessing in disguise, it doesn't matter - both are all one in the same. What matters is how you use your blessings, and personally I've just realized that. We gotta use'em or lose'em.
God's been answering my prayers. Sometimes the answer doesn't come in my terms, but He answers me. All I had to do was listen and follow.
Change. I've always been iffy on about the word to tell you the truth. But now I can see it's the only for sure thing. But I look at it this way, the only change I support is the change for the better. I wouldn't have change any other way. That's the type of person I am - growth for the better, for the good, and that's my stance. Can't knock me - Take it or leave.
I've been dragged down too long by trying to change things I simply cannot. I'll rid myself the baggage and pray for the better - when I've tried the best I can that's the best I can do then after.
"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know" - T. Swift
I long for the day I can say those words to that one special person. Until then, I'm dumbfounded by those who can utter those powerful words. I mean, seriously - astonished. That's all you really know? Really? Are you sure? For sure? To be in that state of being, when all you know is worthless - all your schooling, all the adages of tales you've heard over the course of your very existence on earth as a human being - that you're at that point when you only know one secure thing and that's it - when you know that you love someone and that is all you know is when you know you've found a union only made by the divine.
Stuff like that takes my pondering mind to places I cannot fathom. The innate sense and longing of being in love. Only God made that.
P.S.: Want to hear a masterpiece?
April 15, 2009
Beautiful Day.
I Feel Great! : )
Sleeping is awesome guys. I had two sleepless nights (and a lot of coffee...mmmm hazelnut), and last night was unproductive in the sense that I didn't do much awake, but I slept and had wonderful dreams.
And when I woke up I could breathe, I didn't have a headache, and I'm looking forward to school! There's a food fair today, and I expect to eat my fill. I've never had a lunch where I could just focus on food fair, I was either busy too busy to admire it, or too broke to buy anything.
But something did happen yesterday before I went to sleep. I was driving around and I hit a red light...the weird thing about it was that it never turned green. As a law abiding citizen, this threw me off.
Have a great day everyone. I'm going to literally smell everything and the roses.
Sleeping is awesome guys. I had two sleepless nights (and a lot of coffee...mmmm hazelnut), and last night was unproductive in the sense that I didn't do much awake, but I slept and had wonderful dreams.
And when I woke up I could breathe, I didn't have a headache, and I'm looking forward to school! There's a food fair today, and I expect to eat my fill. I've never had a lunch where I could just focus on food fair, I was either busy too busy to admire it, or too broke to buy anything.
But something did happen yesterday before I went to sleep. I was driving around and I hit a red light...the weird thing about it was that it never turned green. As a law abiding citizen, this threw me off.
Have a great day everyone. I'm going to literally smell everything and the roses.
April 10, 2009
April 9, 2009
Hi guys!
Yesterday I had a pretty sweet day. I hit up Starbucks with one of my best friends Brittany : ) and we had a good talk and conversation. You can peep part of it later on Youtube we plan to upload it soon. And after, we spontaneously took out Krissy to Camden park and just walked around the whole place. We were pretty stoked that the weather was not how it was predicted to be, it was nice and sunny/cloudy. I loved it!
I think that's one of the best things to do on days. I really love friends that can stay unconnected for a long period of time and come together one day and catch up like the distance and time away was no biggie. Those are the friends I love to keep and hope to keep throughout my life, and I'm lucky with a special few : ) Thanks guys!
Mutual Complex is revving up for a 2009 year filled with opportunities to show the world and all of you guys how much we really love each other and dance. If you can, peep us out this Friday, April 17. We're preforming in Berkeley, CA as a part of a fundraiser for Relay For Life thanks to Heather Graviet of CAL : ). Also, my uncle/cousin Jojo and talented JD are both a part of Mutual now. I'm happy they are there, and it's cool to know that what we stand for is growing. We're all happy to be out there performing and all the support is much appreciated, we're thankful for all who give their time to stop by and check us out.
To me, the best of my days are simple. I like it best that way. I wish I could say the same about my room and car, because simply they are not the business right now haha. Today I plan to clean up and organize out everything. What's better than starting the day to a clean room and riding clean?
I got to admit, one of my most favorite part of Spring is waking up to the sun. My room is oriented thankfully to where the sun rises. For school, this never happens but during spring break I get to wake up a little later than usual, and I leave my blinds open a little, and when the sun gets up there's nothing better than being woken up by the bright sun.
Yesterday I had a pretty sweet day. I hit up Starbucks with one of my best friends Brittany : ) and we had a good talk and conversation. You can peep part of it later on Youtube we plan to upload it soon. And after, we spontaneously took out Krissy to Camden park and just walked around the whole place. We were pretty stoked that the weather was not how it was predicted to be, it was nice and sunny/cloudy. I loved it!
I think that's one of the best things to do on days. I really love friends that can stay unconnected for a long period of time and come together one day and catch up like the distance and time away was no biggie. Those are the friends I love to keep and hope to keep throughout my life, and I'm lucky with a special few : ) Thanks guys!
Mutual Complex is revving up for a 2009 year filled with opportunities to show the world and all of you guys how much we really love each other and dance. If you can, peep us out this Friday, April 17. We're preforming in Berkeley, CA as a part of a fundraiser for Relay For Life thanks to Heather Graviet of CAL : ). Also, my uncle/cousin Jojo and talented JD are both a part of Mutual now. I'm happy they are there, and it's cool to know that what we stand for is growing. We're all happy to be out there performing and all the support is much appreciated, we're thankful for all who give their time to stop by and check us out.
To me, the best of my days are simple. I like it best that way. I wish I could say the same about my room and car, because simply they are not the business right now haha. Today I plan to clean up and organize out everything. What's better than starting the day to a clean room and riding clean?
I got to admit, one of my most favorite part of Spring is waking up to the sun. My room is oriented thankfully to where the sun rises. For school, this never happens but during spring break I get to wake up a little later than usual, and I leave my blinds open a little, and when the sun gets up there's nothing better than being woken up by the bright sun.
April 6, 2009
I died.
Whoa, emoootional right? Nah, but the title fits.
No, I didn't really die, but I did have not blogged for a while. Now that spring break's here I feel not as pressed for some senses.
I really admire Taylor Swift. I've been listening to her album "Fearless" for a while, and I really like everything she's saying. The "White Horse" music video was really well set too. I think the best thing that makes her different, Is the fact that when she writes songs she isn't afraid to name the people she's writing about.
For example, she has a song called "Hey Stephen"..and "Forever and Always" is about the breakup between her and Joe Jonas, who IMHO is a jerk because she broke up with her (although his argument made him sound better, he's stiLl a jerk for doing it over the phone).
Some people think It's juvenile of Taylor to write songs about people with their names in the song/meaning. I had thought this way too, and that argument maKes sense, but I think she's smart Enough to acknowledge that. So after thinking about it again, I now think and believe it's deeper, and as far as I'm concerned she's gutsY and herOic. She's doing what many people can't - explain how she feels.
And I admire that. Sure, it coUld have been more conventional, you know like through the phone and in an email or in person or something, but taking into consideration the gift God gave her to write and sing, she did what she does, and who can be mad at that. It's how she expresses herself, and if my name were to end up in any name of the song of her's I'd bet I Deserved it.
I wish I could be as strong as her ; )
And I feel stressed for time still because even the most beautiful flowers die. I confess that too. I've just been scared in a lot of senses but hopefully you can love me for my imperfections.
Spontaneous Spring Break '09 is here, let's kick it!
No, I didn't really die, but I did have not blogged for a while. Now that spring break's here I feel not as pressed for some senses.
I really admire Taylor Swift. I've been listening to her album "Fearless" for a while, and I really like everything she's saying. The "White Horse" music video was really well set too. I think the best thing that makes her different, Is the fact that when she writes songs she isn't afraid to name the people she's writing about.
For example, she has a song called "Hey Stephen"..and "Forever and Always" is about the breakup between her and Joe Jonas, who IMHO is a jerk because she broke up with her (although his argument made him sound better, he's stiLl a jerk for doing it over the phone).
Some people think It's juvenile of Taylor to write songs about people with their names in the song/meaning. I had thought this way too, and that argument maKes sense, but I think she's smart Enough to acknowledge that. So after thinking about it again, I now think and believe it's deeper, and as far as I'm concerned she's gutsY and herOic. She's doing what many people can't - explain how she feels.
And I admire that. Sure, it coUld have been more conventional, you know like through the phone and in an email or in person or something, but taking into consideration the gift God gave her to write and sing, she did what she does, and who can be mad at that. It's how she expresses herself, and if my name were to end up in any name of the song of her's I'd bet I Deserved it.
I wish I could be as strong as her ; )
And I feel stressed for time still because even the most beautiful flowers die. I confess that too. I've just been scared in a lot of senses but hopefully you can love me for my imperfections.
Spontaneous Spring Break '09 is here, let's kick it!
March 26, 2009
Thank God for all the blessings in life, especially the blessings in disguise.
I'm working hard, guys. I'm a little exhausted, but I'm doing my best. All I have to look forward to now is that night I get to put my head on my pillow and say "I did it".
"Life is a single skip for joy".
I'm working hard, guys. I'm a little exhausted, but I'm doing my best. All I have to look forward to now is that night I get to put my head on my pillow and say "I did it".
"Life is a single skip for joy".
March 21, 2009
moments that count.
I had a very great past week. A lot of stuff happened. Some of it not so good, but some of it great and through it all another week ends. As a new week begins, begins a new week to try and learn from mistakes that I made last week, and to make new mistakes.
Firstly, if anybody noticed, I changed the blog layout! Haha, but it was mostly to symbolize the new term of school! My last term at Sheldon High, every day is a day closer to graduation. I'm excited for it, and I'm really anticipating it because I'd really like to graduate. This is not going to be the easiest term, mixed with my classes and saying "see you later" to the rest of the class of 2009, I'm going to need to really appreciate every moment I still have left of it.
With that being said, I passed all of my classes! : ) Definitely a relief and a satisfaction.
The last 10 minutes of the probably only Economics class I'll ever had, my teacher handed me and the rest of the class a blue little piece of paper, it was pretty small. She told us "I know you guys went through 9 weeks of GDP, Supply and Demand, and Taxes, but everything you only really need to know about Economics is on this little blue paper that I hope you guys can use in the future"...
It mainly said "For every action, you had an Opportunity Cost. Just make sure the price you paid is worth your action". I really thought about it, and realized..."Truth".
I can't belive I didn't talk about this last blog, but I have to bring this back up. Looking back at it, it was a defintely a moment to remember. Britt! If you are reading, thank you for letting me be your date to your Junior Prom : ). It was last saturday, and I had a lot of fun on the dance floor. I haven't dressed up in a full suit for a while, so it was good to dress up. I always imagined a job in the future where I had to dress up everyday, with a tie and all. Just seems so right to me. Someday...
Hands down, the best part of my week was during the reverse minimum day. I was thankfully invited to a beautiful morning picnic with three dope people: Desiree, Cindy, and Alex (who I just met). We took advantage of the fact school started so late, and in addition to just kicking it and relaxing and taking pictures : ) , we experienced the beauty of morn. Thanks you guys, if you're reading. Best Morning. Ever.
To follow up with that, Happy 17th Birthday Desiree! : ) Hope you had fun snowboarding, and that you had a great birthday, and that you have many more Happy Birthdays to come !
I'm really digging Marie Digby right now. Her voice sounds so pure, so soothing, so sincere. She's really also making me love the piano. Very talented, random but just wanted to mention my ears, well...ear, is enjoying her gift from God.
I haven't been dancing much lately. I just haven't had a lot of time to dance. Universal Rhythm is putting in work on their Student Showcase, Florin and Elk Grove is having their Mainstage this week, and I'm no where near any of the events for high school dance. Just been putting a lot of work into studying for the classes I'm in. I love to dance, but reality slapped me back into place this week. There's more important things, and I definitely did what I needed to when it meant most.
I heard this quote this past week too...
"Sometimes you can't want what you want, you got to want what you need".
*I did so ; )
And to add to that!....
I've been holding on to two fortune cookies in my wallet. They say:
"Killing time murders opportunities"
"Keep up the good work. You will soon be rewarded"...
Whoa right?...Fortune cookies....
Today I also went to my cousins house. They are total Twilight fans, and already have the DVD. I ended up watching it, and after watching it I understand why girls love Edward Cullins so much...
...Maybe it's because he totally ditched Bella when she first met him. Straight up son! Left her for one full week in the dust. That got Bella hella feeling for him. Moral?: Girls like guys who ignore them.
...Maybe it's because, after he started finally talking to her, he made sure he made her know that he wanted her! The guy pretty much stalked her, heard all the thoughts of fools tryna hit on her, and made sure those guys thought twice before stepping up to her. Moral?: Girls like guys who made sure no one would hurt his girl.
...Maybe it's because, he knows how to drive his car cool. He did like a 180 degree turn in it, it did look cool and you know, girls love guys that can do car tricks. Moral?: Girls like guys who can drive, and drive well.
And after really thinking about those listed "Maybe it's becauses" and more, I finally realiezd why girls like Edward Cullins so much...
The real reason why is because...
It's cause he's a Vampire, and Vampires are hot to girls.
Moral?: It's either I turn into a Vampire, or have bad luck with girls for forever (No pun intended) ; )
Overall, these are some moments that counted in my week. I'm looking forward to what happens next, but I'll keep you'll updated.
P.S: Sorry to those that hate to read. In your face = P
Firstly, if anybody noticed, I changed the blog layout! Haha, but it was mostly to symbolize the new term of school! My last term at Sheldon High, every day is a day closer to graduation. I'm excited for it, and I'm really anticipating it because I'd really like to graduate. This is not going to be the easiest term, mixed with my classes and saying "see you later" to the rest of the class of 2009, I'm going to need to really appreciate every moment I still have left of it.
With that being said, I passed all of my classes! : ) Definitely a relief and a satisfaction.
The last 10 minutes of the probably only Economics class I'll ever had, my teacher handed me and the rest of the class a blue little piece of paper, it was pretty small. She told us "I know you guys went through 9 weeks of GDP, Supply and Demand, and Taxes, but everything you only really need to know about Economics is on this little blue paper that I hope you guys can use in the future"...
It mainly said "For every action, you had an Opportunity Cost. Just make sure the price you paid is worth your action". I really thought about it, and realized..."Truth".
I can't belive I didn't talk about this last blog, but I have to bring this back up. Looking back at it, it was a defintely a moment to remember. Britt! If you are reading, thank you for letting me be your date to your Junior Prom : ). It was last saturday, and I had a lot of fun on the dance floor. I haven't dressed up in a full suit for a while, so it was good to dress up. I always imagined a job in the future where I had to dress up everyday, with a tie and all. Just seems so right to me. Someday...
Hands down, the best part of my week was during the reverse minimum day. I was thankfully invited to a beautiful morning picnic with three dope people: Desiree, Cindy, and Alex (who I just met). We took advantage of the fact school started so late, and in addition to just kicking it and relaxing and taking pictures : ) , we experienced the beauty of morn. Thanks you guys, if you're reading. Best Morning. Ever.
To follow up with that, Happy 17th Birthday Desiree! : ) Hope you had fun snowboarding, and that you had a great birthday, and that you have many more Happy Birthdays to come !
I'm really digging Marie Digby right now. Her voice sounds so pure, so soothing, so sincere. She's really also making me love the piano. Very talented, random but just wanted to mention my ears, well...ear, is enjoying her gift from God.
I haven't been dancing much lately. I just haven't had a lot of time to dance. Universal Rhythm is putting in work on their Student Showcase, Florin and Elk Grove is having their Mainstage this week, and I'm no where near any of the events for high school dance. Just been putting a lot of work into studying for the classes I'm in. I love to dance, but reality slapped me back into place this week. There's more important things, and I definitely did what I needed to when it meant most.
I heard this quote this past week too...
"Sometimes you can't want what you want, you got to want what you need".
*I did so ; )
And to add to that!....
I've been holding on to two fortune cookies in my wallet. They say:
"Killing time murders opportunities"
"Keep up the good work. You will soon be rewarded"...
Whoa right?...Fortune cookies....
Today I also went to my cousins house. They are total Twilight fans, and already have the DVD. I ended up watching it, and after watching it I understand why girls love Edward Cullins so much...
...Maybe it's because he totally ditched Bella when she first met him. Straight up son! Left her for one full week in the dust. That got Bella hella feeling for him. Moral?: Girls like guys who ignore them.
...Maybe it's because, after he started finally talking to her, he made sure he made her know that he wanted her! The guy pretty much stalked her, heard all the thoughts of fools tryna hit on her, and made sure those guys thought twice before stepping up to her. Moral?: Girls like guys who made sure no one would hurt his girl.
...Maybe it's because, he knows how to drive his car cool. He did like a 180 degree turn in it, it did look cool and you know, girls love guys that can do car tricks. Moral?: Girls like guys who can drive, and drive well.
And after really thinking about those listed "Maybe it's becauses" and more, I finally realiezd why girls like Edward Cullins so much...
The real reason why is because...
It's cause he's a Vampire, and Vampires are hot to girls.
Moral?: It's either I turn into a Vampire, or have bad luck with girls for forever (No pun intended) ; )
Overall, these are some moments that counted in my week. I'm looking forward to what happens next, but I'll keep you'll updated.
P.S: Sorry to those that hate to read. In your face = P
March 16, 2009
If I had my way..I
So, this blog is on a downer-note. Just to warn you in advance.
Sometimes, like now, I wish I had what I wanted. That's pretty lazy of me, I know, to just wish it all come true, not putting in work to get what I want. But, with that aside (the means of getting what I want) I just long for it all if everything was my way. Yeah, I'm just the most selfish guy aren't I? Haha.
I figured out where it's rooted. It's not really from jealousy, so I'm happy about that. It's more coming from the old adage that "we get what we deserve". That's my human insight, at least. But life has shown and taught me to modify the verse, b/c I've pretty much also accepted that "we get what we deserve, and we get what we don't deserve too".
"So close, but yet so far..."
Felt like that sometimes? I feeeeel you.
Wack though, what's up with all this useless writing right? I dunno. I'll get mines, and what's meant to be. But still...if I had my way.
I think Taeko would be a cool chick to be around *random.
Back to the books.
Sometimes, like now, I wish I had what I wanted. That's pretty lazy of me, I know, to just wish it all come true, not putting in work to get what I want. But, with that aside (the means of getting what I want) I just long for it all if everything was my way. Yeah, I'm just the most selfish guy aren't I? Haha.
I figured out where it's rooted. It's not really from jealousy, so I'm happy about that. It's more coming from the old adage that "we get what we deserve". That's my human insight, at least. But life has shown and taught me to modify the verse, b/c I've pretty much also accepted that "we get what we deserve, and we get what we don't deserve too".
"So close, but yet so far..."
Felt like that sometimes? I feeeeel you.
Wack though, what's up with all this useless writing right? I dunno. I'll get mines, and what's meant to be. But still...if I had my way.
I think Taeko would be a cool chick to be around *random.
Back to the books.
March 11, 2009
I miss sleep. Sleep is sooooo goood. I love when I sleep. I really miss my sleep...
My bed is so soft, and my pillows are awesome. I love it when I'm just lying in bed, and then I fall asleep.
But the worst feeling is when I'm lying in bed, but I don't sleep. And have to do homework or something but not sleep. I wish I was sleeping right now. Lying in bed is a tease for me.
I used to think just lying in bed is like resting per say, because you're not moving any body, kind of like an electric vehicle that goes downhill and restores energy while it's moving, where the car is not turned off but is still recharging. Kind of like me, or so well I thought, when I would just lie there, but it's not true.
I just lie there hoping to sleep, but the more I lie the more sleep I don't get.
I love sleep.
My bed is so soft, and my pillows are awesome. I love it when I'm just lying in bed, and then I fall asleep.
But the worst feeling is when I'm lying in bed, but I don't sleep. And have to do homework or something but not sleep. I wish I was sleeping right now. Lying in bed is a tease for me.
I used to think just lying in bed is like resting per say, because you're not moving any body, kind of like an electric vehicle that goes downhill and restores energy while it's moving, where the car is not turned off but is still recharging. Kind of like me, or so well I thought, when I would just lie there, but it's not true.
I just lie there hoping to sleep, but the more I lie the more sleep I don't get.
I love sleep.
March 8, 2009
Away for a day.
I had the very best Saturday. Away from all anxieties, stress, and what not. I held off on a lot of things, but it was worth a day off. I definitely needed a time to breathe, it got me bad - last week. Whew so much to do, but let me give you a peak at the beauty I saw recently.
I went on a retreat Saturday, it was planned by the Diocese of Sacramento. It took place on top of a hill in Auburn. The weather was perfect, sunny with a breeze. It was very peaceful and silent. I'm a sucker for silence. I think there such a thing as too much noise, especially for me, constantly listening to music and lectures and whatever else, so I value my alone silent time. Thanks God, most definitely what I needed, You.

March 3, 2009
Before time takes its course
I'll take a picture. Just a reminder. Postmark this.
Hi. I'm young, clever, slick, intelligent. More than what meets your pupils, son. Hahaha.
No artificial in me. Pure organic. Sincerely yours.
I'm not what I'm not. I am who I am.
Currently 17 years old. I have my driver's license and a part time job. I'm the leader of my youth group, in two dance company's, and my school's academy. A faithful son, dedicated student, carefree dancer, hardworking worker, loving brother, trustworthy friend, and a child of God.
I keep a schedule right now. I can't remember everything. I'm a nice guy.
I like to treat others the way I want to be treated. I'm not afraid to fall. I challenge myself constantly, and I encourage myself.
Cassie, if your reading, I'm all yours still < 3
And to everyone else, just think of this blog this way. As far as I'm concerned, I'll never get this moment back. So I'm taking it, and owning it. I have my name written all over it, and I wont' forget it either. I suggest all you all do the same.
March 1, 2009
Have you ever woken up one day (well we wake up every day), and said to yourself "I'm gonna do this, and this, and this, and that, then that, and then I'm done for the day".
Then you lived your day, and then went to sleep that same day and said to yourself on your pillow before you dead out, "Wow, I never expected that to happen today. Thank you God"
You don't plan your days. God does. Your on His time, homie. Not yours. Thank God for all His blessings in life - especially the blessings in disguise.
My day was definitely filled with blessings, and I'm thankful. I went to Church for a long time today. We had our first St. Maria Goretti Youth Group Meeting. And I had a really grown a great connection with two new people in my life who are really a blessing. Their names are Mary and Carmelyn. Thank you guys, means a lot to have shared life with the both of you : )
Today just reminded me that you can't close your heart to the blessings of the Lord. I'm pretty much renewed. And, the week just began : )
Then you lived your day, and then went to sleep that same day and said to yourself on your pillow before you dead out, "Wow, I never expected that to happen today. Thank you God"
You don't plan your days. God does. Your on His time, homie. Not yours. Thank God for all His blessings in life - especially the blessings in disguise.
My day was definitely filled with blessings, and I'm thankful. I went to Church for a long time today. We had our first St. Maria Goretti Youth Group Meeting. And I had a really grown a great connection with two new people in my life who are really a blessing. Their names are Mary and Carmelyn. Thank you guys, means a lot to have shared life with the both of you : )
Today just reminded me that you can't close your heart to the blessings of the Lord. I'm pretty much renewed. And, the week just began : )
February 23, 2009
Math is the key word. So! I haven't blogged in a long time. I haven't had much time to myself these past days. It sucks. I think if I counted how much sleep I've had the past weekday (not including Monday b/c it was a holiday), I think it would be about 19 hours. Nineteen divided by four, about five hours a night! Eeek. I haven’t even had a decent dream this past week. And I love my dreams, b/c everything happens that I want to happen in my dreams.
Calculus is hard for me, Chemistry could be better. Microbiology is pretty fun, in fact this weekend I have to get a water sample to cultivate. I’m so excited, I’m going to San Francisco tomorrow, or San Jose…, either way I hope to attain some H20 for Micro. I actually like working with bacteria. It’s not too shabby a gig. I could see myself in some major R&D for something in the future. And last but not least, Econ. It’s okay, I like the teacher. I don’t usually sleep in school, but this past week since I haven’t gotten much sleep, I seem to re-slumber then.
The economy is one whole matter of itself (“You’re so antimatter….”). It’s crazy what’s happening this time of…time. I joke around, but I swear to you if it does happen, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, I TERM THESE YEARS “THE GREATER DEPRESSION”…
Okay, so it’s not really a joking matter. But still…
Thought for the blog: Ever had to vie for something? Of course you had. Everyone has to vie for something. I’ve vied for a lot things. But I have to admit. Sometimes I wish that I didn’t have to vie anymore. No I’m not lazy. Just on some nights, I think to myself, “I’m tired of vying”, or “Why vie?”. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to vie. But who am I to deserve something that’s meant to be vied for?
It seems to me, so long as people vie, people try. But for me, from now on I’ll still try, but I won’t vie. I’m good, homie – I don’t need compliments on my accomplishments. But watch it, haha, what I do to try, you probably won’t be able to vie with.
“Best body temperature: Warm heart, cool head.” – Vintage Park Community Church Billboard.
Calculus is hard for me, Chemistry could be better. Microbiology is pretty fun, in fact this weekend I have to get a water sample to cultivate. I’m so excited, I’m going to San Francisco tomorrow, or San Jose…, either way I hope to attain some H20 for Micro. I actually like working with bacteria. It’s not too shabby a gig. I could see myself in some major R&D for something in the future. And last but not least, Econ. It’s okay, I like the teacher. I don’t usually sleep in school, but this past week since I haven’t gotten much sleep, I seem to re-slumber then.
The economy is one whole matter of itself (“You’re so antimatter….”). It’s crazy what’s happening this time of…time. I joke around, but I swear to you if it does happen, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, I TERM THESE YEARS “THE GREATER DEPRESSION”…
Okay, so it’s not really a joking matter. But still…
Thought for the blog: Ever had to vie for something? Of course you had. Everyone has to vie for something. I’ve vied for a lot things. But I have to admit. Sometimes I wish that I didn’t have to vie anymore. No I’m not lazy. Just on some nights, I think to myself, “I’m tired of vying”, or “Why vie?”. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to vie. But who am I to deserve something that’s meant to be vied for?
It seems to me, so long as people vie, people try. But for me, from now on I’ll still try, but I won’t vie. I’m good, homie – I don’t need compliments on my accomplishments. But watch it, haha, what I do to try, you probably won’t be able to vie with.
“Best body temperature: Warm heart, cool head.” – Vintage Park Community Church Billboard.
February 15, 2009
A beginning to the end.
So as emo burrito this blog sounds, it needs to be said.
Mainstage 2009 was amazing. My dreams came true in many different ways. I've learned so much over the years, it was my turn to take my last bow at the PAC, and now I'm up to step off the stage, up to step down.
It hits. The feeling of accomplishment and nostalgia. At the same time. Just another faucet of Life I guess, but a reoccurring event seems to be "Hold Tight, then Let Go".
The process sucks, I don't find it enjoyable - beneficial, of course yes. But still Time must move forwards. I must do the same as time.
I savored it. Held on to as much as I could of living in the moment. And to be honest, it hurts more, when you hold on to something so tight although you know you must let it go eventually. So, to wrap it up, the past everything leading up to Mainstage was a process I didn't enjoy, meaning to say I loved everything about the Mainstage and getting ready for it and all, but the thought of holding on to it so tight to let it go, ripped right from you, sucks.
But that just means this process has been really, more beneficial.
When I savored it all, cherished all the moments, I did everything I know I could have done to make sure in the future I wouldn't reminisce in angst, but instead in being proud. And that makes all the difference.
Mainstage was pretty sick, if you missed out, sorry but we tore it a part the best we can. And it turned out great.
Thanks God for the last four years. Dream come true.
Mainstage 2009 was amazing. My dreams came true in many different ways. I've learned so much over the years, it was my turn to take my last bow at the PAC, and now I'm up to step off the stage, up to step down.
It hits. The feeling of accomplishment and nostalgia. At the same time. Just another faucet of Life I guess, but a reoccurring event seems to be "Hold Tight, then Let Go".
The process sucks, I don't find it enjoyable - beneficial, of course yes. But still Time must move forwards. I must do the same as time.
I savored it. Held on to as much as I could of living in the moment. And to be honest, it hurts more, when you hold on to something so tight although you know you must let it go eventually. So, to wrap it up, the past everything leading up to Mainstage was a process I didn't enjoy, meaning to say I loved everything about the Mainstage and getting ready for it and all, but the thought of holding on to it so tight to let it go, ripped right from you, sucks.
But that just means this process has been really, more beneficial.
When I savored it all, cherished all the moments, I did everything I know I could have done to make sure in the future I wouldn't reminisce in angst, but instead in being proud. And that makes all the difference.
Mainstage was pretty sick, if you missed out, sorry but we tore it a part the best we can. And it turned out great.
Thanks God for the last four years. Dream come true.
February 7, 2009
Go to...
Mainstage! My last Universal Rhythm Mainstage...It will be worth your money! Haha, you can go either on Thursday the 12th, Friday the 13th, or Valentine's day! I think we set that up real slick, cuz.
But no really, I'm going to miss it a lot after wards. I'm enjoying every moment of it, trying to savor and hold onto ever last single drip of time I can have of it!! No...I'm not that much of an emo burrito : P. It just really means a lot to me. I'm glad for having the blessing to be in company for four years, and now that it's going to be over, as well as senior year and all, I can say that I'm excited for the rest of my life.
I haven't blogged in a long time. I have a weekend now though! Sunday and on Monday we are off from school, and I'm most definitely going to enjoy my time off. I had a crazy week or so, and I have to admit a couple of things. School is extremely challenging, more so than I could ever think it could be. Dance is...well reread this blog from the top and you know. Work is on hold for a bit, called for some time off, but as soon as Mainstage is over I'll be back on that grind. Family is strong, and...I'm still single but that's no big thing ; ).
I got accepted into UC Riverside! I'm really proud of myself for it. I still haven't received word from CAL or UCD, and I'm hoping for the best with those two. If I had ever been more anxiously hopeful waiting on something for school, it'd be with this whole pre-college experience. I'm just really hoping and praying for the best, I put my best foot forward and I hope they take it all and me into consideration with acceptance.
I'm missing my last Winter HC. I didn't want to go, took the night off. I think I'll probably go to the next dance, and IMHO the yearbook dance is actually really an as good or even better time than a HC, sometimes. Last Winter HC was an HC I'd like to end my high school years with, and I'm going to leave it at that.
Hmm...I feeeeel like I'm missing something to say. When I remember I'll hit you back up, Blogspot, but I'm at a blank....wait...
Oh yeah! Talent show, I didn't audition. I really wanted to, just for laughs and kicks, but there's a chance in it for me still for Senior Talent Show. I have to take as much of these opportunities as I can before it slips away...
Class of 2009, I'm feeling it.
Okay now I'm blank again, : ) I'll hit you back up.
If you want to see dreams come true, Please go to Mainstage!
January 29, 2009
I can
I love this poem:
I have so much to do. I really do, and it's getting to feel very burdensome. Sometimes I feel like it's all too much to handle, and to be honest, honestly I've felt like giving up plenty of times, but then during Holy Adoration Hour at the Blessed Sacrament, I've become renewed. Thanks God.
God never gives you too much that you cannot handle. He only blesses you with what you can handle. And although I've been blessed with a lot to do, and it feels different to me, this is all just an encouragement to continue to do my best, because He believes in me that I can accomplish. He wouldn't bless me with so much to do if I couldn't.
I'm on my hustle.
Really, I'm on it.
Pessimist, Optimist, Realist
A pessimist is he
Who shuts his eyes
To the rising sun.
An optimist is he
Who looks up and sees
Through the teeming clouds.
A realist is he
Who faces the clouds
And adores the sun.
I have so much to do. I really do, and it's getting to feel very burdensome. Sometimes I feel like it's all too much to handle, and to be honest, honestly I've felt like giving up plenty of times, but then during Holy Adoration Hour at the Blessed Sacrament, I've become renewed. Thanks God.
God never gives you too much that you cannot handle. He only blesses you with what you can handle. And although I've been blessed with a lot to do, and it feels different to me, this is all just an encouragement to continue to do my best, because He believes in me that I can accomplish. He wouldn't bless me with so much to do if I couldn't.
I'm on my hustle.
Really, I'm on it.
January 27, 2009
Can't forget it.
I woke up early today to do homework because I was too tired to do it last night. After about an hour of it, I decided to take a break and get a Hot Mocha Cappuccino...mmmm. There's a donut shop close to where I live and I love going there to buy something to eat (Yeah, I eat on my breaks...too bad I take a lot of breaks). The Donut Shop opens and closes early, about 4:30 AM to 2PM everyday, so the only time I really get to go there is before school.
As I got my Hot Mocha Cappuccino, I bought it size large, I began to remember something about the shop, kind of like Dejavu. I remember going to the same donut shop about a while back ago, probably like 3 years ago during one morning for summer. I remember that summer, I was very motivated to wake up early and exercise...see how well that turned out ; ). Haha. So I remember going there to buy the drink I love the most there, a fairly cheap drink, and you probably guessed it, a Hot Mocha Cappuccino.
Here's why I didn't just forget that morning, what made that morning I'll always remember. That morning buying my drink, I remember having money, but not enough money. I was short like 50 or 75 cents. I had thought I had enough for the money, but I remember that I didn't, and the counter lady already made my perfect drink. I didn't have my license yet, so I couldn't just go to my car and get extra change. I was a little embarrassed to not have enough money, because she already made my drink and all...
Then there was one lady behind me, saw my situation, and told the lady at the counter "I'll pay the rest of his amount". And then I looked back and said...well first I was shocked, then happy, then embarrassed a little, and said, "Are you sure? I'm sorry to have kept the line" - "No, it's okay! Don't worry about it *Smile*". She interrupted my apology.
I smiled and said "Thank you so much! I promise I'll pay you back! Thank you!".
I came back the next day, around the same time, and the day after, hoping to catch that same lady so I can pay her back for her kindness. She paid for a total stranger. I never saw her again.
I'll never forget it. It definitely made my morning, I remember. : )
Wherever she is now, I don't know, but she taught me a lesson. Free kindness makes an impact on people. God Bless her. Who said chivalry is dead?
As I got my Hot Mocha Cappuccino, I bought it size large, I began to remember something about the shop, kind of like Dejavu. I remember going to the same donut shop about a while back ago, probably like 3 years ago during one morning for summer. I remember that summer, I was very motivated to wake up early and exercise...see how well that turned out ; ). Haha. So I remember going there to buy the drink I love the most there, a fairly cheap drink, and you probably guessed it, a Hot Mocha Cappuccino.
Here's why I didn't just forget that morning, what made that morning I'll always remember. That morning buying my drink, I remember having money, but not enough money. I was short like 50 or 75 cents. I had thought I had enough for the money, but I remember that I didn't, and the counter lady already made my perfect drink. I didn't have my license yet, so I couldn't just go to my car and get extra change. I was a little embarrassed to not have enough money, because she already made my drink and all...
Then there was one lady behind me, saw my situation, and told the lady at the counter "I'll pay the rest of his amount". And then I looked back and said...well first I was shocked, then happy, then embarrassed a little, and said, "Are you sure? I'm sorry to have kept the line" - "No, it's okay! Don't worry about it *Smile*". She interrupted my apology.
I smiled and said "Thank you so much! I promise I'll pay you back! Thank you!".
I came back the next day, around the same time, and the day after, hoping to catch that same lady so I can pay her back for her kindness. She paid for a total stranger. I never saw her again.
I'll never forget it. It definitely made my morning, I remember. : )
Wherever she is now, I don't know, but she taught me a lesson. Free kindness makes an impact on people. God Bless her. Who said chivalry is dead?
January 25, 2009
Worth it? or Na.
That's the question I've been thinking a lot about these past days. It's all a gamble - a sequence of choices, trade-offs, and opportunity costs. I've been put through some interesting situations the past week. There are some things I wish I could have done better if I was put in the situation again, but Life says I can't redo moments in time. But one thing's for sure, it takes a lot out of me, and I've been exhausted.
It's tricky, though, you know the thought of investment into something that you're not quite sure about. So much to think about before you act.
Why is it that no one says "Feel before you act"? If you do what feels right, then that should be the best calling to answer. But it's a good thing we don't react to situations like that. Our heads were put above our hearts (and those two were put above our reproductive organs) for a reason.
But I have to be honest, when you let something pass by, it sucks watching it pass you by. Even though you know it's for the better that you let it pass by, you know in your heart that it could have been you taking that opportunity. You know in your heart that you're different from the others, that you're unique, that you can do it better, that you're what is needed, and that you fit the criteria perfectly, like it was meant to be.
I hope it's worth it, but let me tell you, I feel it. I wonder if you do too.
It's tricky, though, you know the thought of investment into something that you're not quite sure about. So much to think about before you act.
Why is it that no one says "Feel before you act"? If you do what feels right, then that should be the best calling to answer. But it's a good thing we don't react to situations like that. Our heads were put above our hearts (and those two were put above our reproductive organs) for a reason.
But I have to be honest, when you let something pass by, it sucks watching it pass you by. Even though you know it's for the better that you let it pass by, you know in your heart that it could have been you taking that opportunity. You know in your heart that you're different from the others, that you're unique, that you can do it better, that you're what is needed, and that you fit the criteria perfectly, like it was meant to be.
I hope it's worth it, but let me tell you, I feel it. I wonder if you do too.
January 22, 2009
2009 brought a lot of new things to my life, even though the year is young. I know how it feels like to go to class for 4 periods, and I swear it feels like my day is a lot longer. I always had that break class during third period, but I just have to get used to it. I'm bombarded with homework consistently every night, I always thought my senior year was going to be easier than this, but I got to do it. I'll finish strong, end high school with a little more pride than if I had just slacked off.
Something pretty new, and I don't want to jinx it, is my sleeping pattern! Random, but so far throughout the year I haven't excessively overslept. Many times I wake up without an alarm clock, and it feels great. It's like I have an internal alarm clock, and I'm thankful I can wake up. I wonder how life would be different if I didn't need to sleep, I think I would get so much more done! But then, if I never needed to sleep, then I could never go to bed at the end of the night, head on my pillow and say "Today was a good day, I did a lot for me and others. Thank God".
I still love to drive, I don't know how some people get tired of it. Maybe I'm just too young still to get tired of it. At the end of a long, and sometimes stressful day, I like to drive in silence. It's really therapeutic. We are all too consumed by the noise of the day, and I really get annoyed by too much noise.
I read this in a book somewhere...
"It's okay to lend a helping hand, but the challenge is asking them to let go".
When I am really helpful, I give a lot of effort into the hand I'm lending. Some people take too much of it, they get used to me always helping them out, and never let go. They grab on to all the charity, but never understood that with charity comes a learning experience, a gratis to encourage them to pay the deed forward, and humility. I'm getting tired of giving out fish. I want to make people fishermen - the footsteps of the Lord.
Something pretty new, and I don't want to jinx it, is my sleeping pattern! Random, but so far throughout the year I haven't excessively overslept. Many times I wake up without an alarm clock, and it feels great. It's like I have an internal alarm clock, and I'm thankful I can wake up. I wonder how life would be different if I didn't need to sleep, I think I would get so much more done! But then, if I never needed to sleep, then I could never go to bed at the end of the night, head on my pillow and say "Today was a good day, I did a lot for me and others. Thank God".
I still love to drive, I don't know how some people get tired of it. Maybe I'm just too young still to get tired of it. At the end of a long, and sometimes stressful day, I like to drive in silence. It's really therapeutic. We are all too consumed by the noise of the day, and I really get annoyed by too much noise.
I read this in a book somewhere...
"It's okay to lend a helping hand, but the challenge is asking them to let go".
When I am really helpful, I give a lot of effort into the hand I'm lending. Some people take too much of it, they get used to me always helping them out, and never let go. They grab on to all the charity, but never understood that with charity comes a learning experience, a gratis to encourage them to pay the deed forward, and humility. I'm getting tired of giving out fish. I want to make people fishermen - the footsteps of the Lord.
January 16, 2009
I watched American Idol the other day, and I feel Casey Carlson for the win! She's pretty beautiful, kind of like Cassie. Best wishes to her, and I'll be voting.
Four years into Universal Rhythm, and now I'm finally out of it. It's weird. I have first lunch from now on, and I'll be able to wear the same thing from first to fourth period. I'm still with company, but I'll be out of the dance room.
Life goes on, always changing. In fact, the only constant thing is change. I just watched George Bush's farewell speech. He makes true points, and I feel like he doesn't deserve all of the hate on him. I loved it how in his speech he talked a lot about protecting the vulnerable and defenseless. He's been president for the past eight years, and now change has come. I just pray this change is the change we need. America is a beautiful country.
*4tune - Just Let it Go
One last something. I'm graduating this year and I'll need to leave a lot of things behind. I'm hoping for acceptance letters. I'm hoping for a new life. It's not like I want leave the one I have now, but I'm just glimpsing the surface. There's a whole world out there. Who's to say I'm not ready for it. And besides, how will I ever know that I'm not even ready for it all if I don't at least try it all out.
A lot of people live for the now. They accumulate all their efforts for just having it good now, okay in a few hours, but leave the future for sightless. I don't chew more than I can swallow. In fact, I really like living day by day. The future is so unstable, always changing. But I hope for a bright one. I ready myself for the future, and I plan my actions to say I wrap the present so it's presentable later on.
I like being alone. Before I didn't use to like it, but now I really do. You figure yourself out alone. Look at things a different way. Appreciate more of what you have. Breathe. I think a lot of us are afraid of being alone. It's not in our nature. But I think it's what a lot of us need.
Anyways, I know I'm never truly alone. God's always there. That's what makes alone time really special to me.
Four years into Universal Rhythm, and now I'm finally out of it. It's weird. I have first lunch from now on, and I'll be able to wear the same thing from first to fourth period. I'm still with company, but I'll be out of the dance room.
Life goes on, always changing. In fact, the only constant thing is change. I just watched George Bush's farewell speech. He makes true points, and I feel like he doesn't deserve all of the hate on him. I loved it how in his speech he talked a lot about protecting the vulnerable and defenseless. He's been president for the past eight years, and now change has come. I just pray this change is the change we need. America is a beautiful country.
*4tune - Just Let it Go
One last something. I'm graduating this year and I'll need to leave a lot of things behind. I'm hoping for acceptance letters. I'm hoping for a new life. It's not like I want leave the one I have now, but I'm just glimpsing the surface. There's a whole world out there. Who's to say I'm not ready for it. And besides, how will I ever know that I'm not even ready for it all if I don't at least try it all out.
A lot of people live for the now. They accumulate all their efforts for just having it good now, okay in a few hours, but leave the future for sightless. I don't chew more than I can swallow. In fact, I really like living day by day. The future is so unstable, always changing. But I hope for a bright one. I ready myself for the future, and I plan my actions to say I wrap the present so it's presentable later on.
I like being alone. Before I didn't use to like it, but now I really do. You figure yourself out alone. Look at things a different way. Appreciate more of what you have. Breathe. I think a lot of us are afraid of being alone. It's not in our nature. But I think it's what a lot of us need.
Anyways, I know I'm never truly alone. God's always there. That's what makes alone time really special to me.
January 10, 2009
Keep It Moving
Hard, sometimes things get hard (That's what she said). Hard to think, to move, to relax, to chill, to do work, to sleep, to get peace of mind. So much as been happening lately, Universal Rhythm is going into Mainstage Mode, Work is tedious, School is just about to get exteremely challenging, I have a lot of plans for Church, Mutual Complex is getting laid out for the future... sigh. I like to take breaks a lot haha. I like to lay down and breathe things out, take things slow, and enjoy it. Then get it down and done.
Recital just happened this Thursday, I loved it. Universal Rhythm held it down on stage, my Jazz I did their best and went for the gold, and I can't get enough it. I'll never be just an audience member, I'll never just overlook a performance and not try and appreciate all the time performers put in work for their sets. I'm happy to see people smiling on stage and having fun. That PAC, I'll never forget it. So many performances on that stage, and the feeling of being out on that stage is indescribable. Yay! Choreo cookies for me too, two sets of mine in the show. I'm a proud choreographer.
Can't think of anything else to blog right now, except to say I love my new netbook. So easy to tote around, accessible like heck. I'm on it right now, and if there was a more useful investment I put my work savings for, is that laptop. Later!
Recital just happened this Thursday, I loved it. Universal Rhythm held it down on stage, my Jazz I did their best and went for the gold, and I can't get enough it. I'll never be just an audience member, I'll never just overlook a performance and not try and appreciate all the time performers put in work for their sets. I'm happy to see people smiling on stage and having fun. That PAC, I'll never forget it. So many performances on that stage, and the feeling of being out on that stage is indescribable. Yay! Choreo cookies for me too, two sets of mine in the show. I'm a proud choreographer.
Can't think of anything else to blog right now, except to say I love my new netbook. So easy to tote around, accessible like heck. I'm on it right now, and if there was a more useful investment I put my work savings for, is that laptop. Later!
January 4, 2009
"A single skip for joy"
I recently watched a movie called "Dedication", mainly because of Mandy Moore, and at the end of the movie a character stated that "Life is a single skip for joy".
I've read plenty of interpretations of the quote, all of which were good, but as profound as they were, I was still a little confused. And I don't like being confused for some reason. It seems like I would like to rather be right or wrong in a situation than confused. But I don't think that I'm alone in feeling this way, this urge to make sense out of my own confusion, because there is nothing more motivating than finding an answer.
Life is crazy, and because we live in a very diverse world, each one of us experiences life very differently. Yet even though none of us lived life exactly like how another person lived their life, I'm told plenty of times that whatever I do in life someone probably has already done or started. Ironically, many of times people can find common experiences, and for special few, someone who "understands".
Regardless, "Life is a single skip for joy". In such a short quote, there are many points. The word "single" could be a pun. I love puns, the ambiguity stirs multiple perspectives and double, triple...meanings. On this earth, we all only get one single life to live. Used as an adjective and in context, "single skip" could mean that we only have one skip, for joy. One skip...One opportunity.
Maybe the quote is saying that in life, we only get one opportunity to pursue joy. I'm putting my hands down, usually second opportunities are hard to come by. Not all of us get second chances...not all of us get re-dos. Why are we in skip, or "skipping" though? For joy - I used "in skip" better to describe our action because I could say that really, we are all, in context of the quote, skipping, but skipping could mean more than one skip, but you know, how often do we get more than one skip...
Since we know where we are in skip to joy, what exactly are we skipping from? The ground. A place I know firmly by being rock bottom, being down-and-out. What are we down on, the ground of course, the bottom that holds us up. And Up is where my joy is, so thank God I am in skip. Wait, why are we skipping anyways? Such a powerful verb...effective I believe in the quote. Skipping is usually faster than jumping, more of, jumping at a brisk pace. I think this fits perfectly in context. Opportunities come at us in single fashions, and we better jump on that single skip fast...we better skip to those opportunities before it's to late.
Another point, the use of the verb skip gives me the connotation that in life anything is possible, conquerable. If it had used other verbs..jump or leap or jettison..they give me the feeling that the obstacle is huge and amounts to excessive needs of force to jump over the obstacle. Although more brisk than jumping, skipping may not be as physically demanding as a huge jump or leap, therefore in skip we conquer life and all the obstacles life brings because in life anything is possible and conquerable. Especially when we are in skip to joy.
Joy. A noun, it is a state of being, a place. I'm tired of people looking for happiness, always in the pursuit of happiness, because I am happy many times, but it would be a lie to say I have been in joy for even just once. I hope I'm using the semantics correctly. Because joy is a constant place of Heaven is a constant place. I learned the difference one time driving. I always seems to pass by plenty of times to work a billboard that displays random messages of hope to the community. The billboard is run by the community church, and the insights I receive are priceless in fuel to a growing wisdom.
"Life is a single skip for joy". Sometimes, when we miss the little things, short things, simple things, we don't get to really understand that they mean so much, and are so beautiful.
I've read plenty of interpretations of the quote, all of which were good, but as profound as they were, I was still a little confused. And I don't like being confused for some reason. It seems like I would like to rather be right or wrong in a situation than confused. But I don't think that I'm alone in feeling this way, this urge to make sense out of my own confusion, because there is nothing more motivating than finding an answer.
Life is crazy, and because we live in a very diverse world, each one of us experiences life very differently. Yet even though none of us lived life exactly like how another person lived their life, I'm told plenty of times that whatever I do in life someone probably has already done or started. Ironically, many of times people can find common experiences, and for special few, someone who "understands".
Regardless, "Life is a single skip for joy". In such a short quote, there are many points. The word "single" could be a pun. I love puns, the ambiguity stirs multiple perspectives and double, triple...meanings. On this earth, we all only get one single life to live. Used as an adjective and in context, "single skip" could mean that we only have one skip, for joy. One skip...One opportunity.
Maybe the quote is saying that in life, we only get one opportunity to pursue joy. I'm putting my hands down, usually second opportunities are hard to come by. Not all of us get second chances...not all of us get re-dos. Why are we in skip, or "skipping" though? For joy - I used "in skip" better to describe our action because I could say that really, we are all, in context of the quote, skipping, but skipping could mean more than one skip, but you know, how often do we get more than one skip...
Since we know where we are in skip to joy, what exactly are we skipping from? The ground. A place I know firmly by being rock bottom, being down-and-out. What are we down on, the ground of course, the bottom that holds us up. And Up is where my joy is, so thank God I am in skip. Wait, why are we skipping anyways? Such a powerful verb...effective I believe in the quote. Skipping is usually faster than jumping, more of, jumping at a brisk pace. I think this fits perfectly in context. Opportunities come at us in single fashions, and we better jump on that single skip fast...we better skip to those opportunities before it's to late.
Another point, the use of the verb skip gives me the connotation that in life anything is possible, conquerable. If it had used other verbs..jump or leap or jettison..they give me the feeling that the obstacle is huge and amounts to excessive needs of force to jump over the obstacle. Although more brisk than jumping, skipping may not be as physically demanding as a huge jump or leap, therefore in skip we conquer life and all the obstacles life brings because in life anything is possible and conquerable. Especially when we are in skip to joy.
Joy. A noun, it is a state of being, a place. I'm tired of people looking for happiness, always in the pursuit of happiness, because I am happy many times, but it would be a lie to say I have been in joy for even just once. I hope I'm using the semantics correctly. Because joy is a constant place of Heaven is a constant place. I learned the difference one time driving. I always seems to pass by plenty of times to work a billboard that displays random messages of hope to the community. The billboard is run by the community church, and the insights I receive are priceless in fuel to a growing wisdom.
"Life is a single skip for joy". Sometimes, when we miss the little things, short things, simple things, we don't get to really understand that they mean so much, and are so beautiful.
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